MovieChat Forums > Modern Family (2009) Discussion > Please stop 'uglying up' Alex

Please stop 'uglying up' Alex

The writers keep trying to hide Ariel Winters' good looks with awful nerdy clothes and making her look sick. Stop!

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer SimpZxsZsxXzsSzx--" - Frank Grimes


She could use new clothes and makeup

But i think they are simply trying to do trust her and her sister


She is sick though this season. So there is a reason why they do it now.


She's been posting on Twitter and she does not look sick to me:

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer SimpSSSSZZZZ--" - Frank Grimes


LOL, sick with mono in the show, not real life...


Then if she is not sick in real life, the writers are writing her as sick and ugly just to hold on to her "unattractive" and "nerdy" status, which was the point of my original post. The actress is obviously blossoming in real life but they have to keep her ugly and bitchy as Alex. The first few seasons she was a cute little girl with glasses and brains. Now she's turned into a frumpy know-it-all ass (whole) and it's not that funny to me. Just an observation.

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer SimpSzSzSzSz--" - Frank Grimes


No, she has mono in the show, and she is so sick that she has taken the semester off of school.
She is supposed to look sick!


Oh brother. I thought my post was clear. Apparently not to the OP.


I know the writers wrote her character with mono, rather than have her dress up and go partying in a limo looking beautiful.

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer SimpZZZZZZZ--" - Frank Grimes


No, they wrote her sick so that she would be at home...


Exactly. God forbid a character grow up and move out. The status quo must be maintained at all costs.

Our first assignment is a documentary, they're like real movies but with ugly people.


The show itself is a big embarrassment now and I might just stop watching. That whole thing with Phil locked in a closet?

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer SimpsonBZZZZZZ--" - Frank Grimes


What? Haha you're so dumb and obsessed with Ariel that it blinds you to logic! :P
Alex is sick so that she stays at home and gets more screentime


I would do her even if she had any disease imaginable.

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer SimpsonBZZZZZZZ--" - Frank Grimes


I would do her even if she had any disease imaginable.



She was sick for all of two episodes. That was just the writers' excuse to keep her away from college this season (and therefore maintain the status quo around the Dunphy house.)

Our first assignment is a documentary, they're like real movies but with ugly people.


Now shes hot as hell and a massive hoe in real life its really hard to believe her as a nerd in the show


She isn't a 'massive hoe'. WTH?


Just look at her social pics. As the kids say these days, she's thirsty for the attention as in dehydrated for it.

Your cute 🐈 will DIE eating dry food! Go to Dr. Pierson's
CATINFO.ORG to prevent it!


I think she is very good looking. I shall keep looking as long as she wants.

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer SimpsoBUZZZZZZZZ--" - Frank Grimes


That's stupid.. Why would they change the whole character just because Ariel is now hot off screen?
It has been established that Alex is a pretty looking girl but doesn't care about how she dresses/looks because that's trivial to her.

If you want an 'Ariel Winters Hotness Show', just follow her on Instagram


It has been established that Alex is a pretty looking girl but doesn't care about how she dresses/looks because that's trivial to her.

Which is a form of hotness in and of itself. And one not all pretty girls can pull off, more to the credit of those who can. Fine!


I find it amusing how she always wears her hair down over her chest, presumably in order to keep attention from being drawn toward her figure. Poor girl has been limited to a single hairstyle for years now.

Our first assignment is a documentary, they're like real movies but with ugly people.


Let's give Alex mono to keep her at home. And waste her talents.

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer SimpsonzZzZzZzZzzzzzz--" - Frank Grimes


Between Alex and Lilly, both of these characters are totally flat. The other characters don't seem to make up for this. I don't know why. The problem with Alex this year that she doesn't have any funny lines. Why the change?

Lilly is almost a mannequin when she speaks. I don't know why the writers don't add any personality to her character.


Ariel is a fine actress if they would give her something to do except be a harpy bitch. But Lily is a lost cause.

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer SimpppppSSSSSZZZZ--" - Frank Grimes


There isn't much to ugly up, except putting a pair of glasses on her. She's not that pretty to begin with.


Not sure what your idea of pretty is then. So you wouldn't go out with her. Hmm?

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer SimpsonBBBZZZZZZZZZZ--" - Frank Grimes


Many, many sitcoms and movies are limited and tunnel visioned. Do you know Lin Manuel Miranda got the idea for Hamilton while reading the Chernow biography at the beach? Of course, in ModernFamilyland, sexy, charismatic, hip young guys do not lie around the beach reading thick biographies, - or anything at all except maybe beer cans. In Modern Family Land, if you - ewwww!! - like to read or learn things, or really do anything else but drink, vomit, hook up, and drink some more. Lots, lots more. If you do, then guaranteed, you live in your parents' basements,, dress badly, are socially inept, and wear glasses. The last is non-negotiable.


Is there an editor who could extract anything coherent from that?
