Most Horrifying Scene

** Spoilers **

I've given this film a little more thought, and I thought it would be interesting to hear opinions from others about the most horrifying scene.

When I first saw the film, I thought the worst part was the death and processing of the guy under the black floor, with the attempted rape and immolation being a close second. And while I still think those scenes are very hard to watch, I am beginning to think that maybe the lovemaking scene is worse. I say this because it seems to me a pretty awful thing to be attempting to have sexual intercourse with something that looks human, but is, in fact, quite alien. I guess I can understand from what I have intuited about SJ's character that she/it is proceeding from innocent motivations at this juncture of the film (trying or at least experimenting with what it means to be human), but still, from the guy's perspective ... ugh. Has anyone thought of it this way?

The intellect is cleaver; it discerns and rifts its way into the secret of things


Crying baby for me.



Right...I've changed my mind - crying baby number 1, rape scene number 2. I hoped that someone would come across the baby in time to save her.

Earth. Welcome.


The dude popping was the worst. I feel like that's gonna haunt me for a good long while.

The rape scene was rather disturbing too. As it should be really


For me it was the sequence on the beach with the crying and helpless abandoned toddler.

I've been chasing grace/ But grace ain't easy to find


If you think the idea of consensual, albeit ineffective, interspecies sex is in any way more "horrifying" than either the packaging facility scenes or the attempted rape and being burned alive at the end, you need to turn yourself in to the authorities before you start strangling small animals and burying them in the bedsheets you wet as a child.


Well actually it'd be foolish to apply our idea of consent to an extraterrestrial; I don't think aliens can really consent, but hey the relative power of a certain scene in a film is completely subjective.


1.Toddler scene - I can only cope with that scene, if I imagine someone found and took it , adopt and care for it. (Radio announcement - went missing). As we never get to know, its plausible.

2. Body removement skin scene underwater - THAT was the most disturbing (CGI???) Effect Scene Ive ever scene.

3. Every scene (attempted) sex was involved - disgusting in every way. After this movie every girl turns lesbian. (I love scarlett johannson btw)
