No need for this remake!
Not even remotely necessary. This idea and this remake can fall off a cliff.
The original does not need a remake period. It is one of the best action thrillers of the '90s and of all time. Especially not some half-assed gender-swapped remake just trying to cash in on the name of Cliffhanger.
Since when have these gender-swapped remakes even worked or made enough money in the box office to warrant more of them getting made? By my calculations, all of them have flopped and bombed badly in the box office. So why waste the time and resources on them?
It is baffling. The brownie points you get for being inclusive don't equate to a good box office take. Just make a film like a Cliffhanger featuring a female lead and make your own damn franchise.
Just make a film like Cliffhanger with a female lead. It is beyond pointless to waste time, money and resources on a remake that no one is asking for with another half-assed gender-swapped lead.
And it is not sexist either. These films have all tanked hard in the box office as of late. And all of them have swapped leads just for brownie points for inclusivity and a lazy way to be "different". This is the best way to kill a franchise not resurrect it. And not every film needs to be remade anyway. Cliffhanger is still a great action film and it still holds up great to this day.
Remake films that were flawed or weren't that great, that had clever ideas and failed in terms of their execution. Not great films that don't need updating, to begin with. Just because they are popular and still have a fanbase that doesn't mean you should remake it. It is not like Cliffhanger is that dated or there is an audience clamoring for a remake.
So who is this for exactly studios? If you can't answer that question definitively then you shouldn't even waste your money on that movie. Take the money you were going to spend on this project and spend it on something truly daring and different or a safer bet.
Otherwise, you end up with stinkbusters (2016), RoboCrap(2014), Point Break or that terrible Total Recall remake with Colin Farrell. All films that either bombed or underperformed immensely in the box office. You might as well be tossing your money off a cliff if you greenlight these kinds of projects. They don't make any money.
These kinds of films do not make money and because of that, it makes zero sense to keep making them. Unless it is a tax write off and these studios are deliberately wasting their own money on remakes with no audience for the slim chance they could make a tiny profit. Which I honestly find very hard to believe. I just think they are lazy and don't want to really try to create their own franchises anymore. They don't want to take any risks. Except maybe John Wick which is a new franchise that's it's own instead of piggybacking on an older one and they are a hit franchise which some action fans like myself support.
The truth hurts. The track record of remakes lately has been far worse than it ever was. And some of my favorite films are also remakes like the blob, scarface and The Fly and not counting any film based on literature (IT or The Thing or any Dracula film or Christmas Carol) as remakes but only remakes based on motion pictures and original screenplays. But they aren't remakes from the past ten years.
I don't care that much about the box office either. And I am not arguing it is a sign of quality. I am just saying that studios seem to care about that more than anything else. And throwing money at remakes has been proven to not be that financially successful as of late and your just gonna keep getting diminishing box office returns, by not paying to see these is gonna send studios the message and with diminishing returns.
Not caring about the track record is something I don't understand at all. It sounds like lowered expectations to me. But to each their own.
The comedy genre is in the same boat as remakes lately. Stale and full unoriginality except maybe some few like Game Night which was excellent. The action genre has had its fair share of great films. I mean Dredd, John Wick 1 & 2, Mission Impossible 5 and 6, etc. etc.
I support new franchises like John Wick which i love and support as it's a throwback to 80s/90s action films done right. I hope this Cliffhanger film bombs as this might be artificial instead of being filmed in a real location like the original