Why didn't it work?
On paper, this series should have been a monster. Not a King Kong sized monster like Lost, but a serious contender. I have started watching it again, and the first episodes are good. What went wrong?
Here are some of my thoughts:
1. The characters were not interesting enough.None of the main characters, like Mark, Olivia or Dimitri grabbed me.Compared with Lost where you had Jack, Sawyer, Hurley and Kate. You cared about them all stuck on that island.
2. The Flash forward was too short a time frame, it should have set 12 months ahead rather 6 months.
3. Too many characters were FBI agents which then made a show a police procedural rather than a sci-fi mystery, or worse, a hybrid of the two.Why not have a priest or even a writer?
4. The action should have been set in other cities or countries. The black out was global, yet we only saw glimpses of the rest of the world.Heroes was a able to covey the impression of various characters from all parts of the globe.
5.The producers cast two actors(Sonya Walger and Dominic Monahagn) who had been in Lost!To me, that indicates a lack of faith in the whole project.
I would love to know what others think.