MovieChat Forums > Submarine (2011) Discussion > What a sad, empty life people are living...

What a sad, empty life people are living!

It is incredible to me that these societies of the West have become so self centered, so self absorbed, so... empty. Having it all, cars, houses, money, the best schools in the world, seemingly having it all, at the same time are so empty and everyone is in the same boat.

People go to these festivals and they applaud films that portray what everyone is going thru, but no one wonders if there is anything else in life.

These films portray people as if all they can do is live, die and that is it. In them they sell the idea that it is the norm to have an absolute existential vacuum. It seems as if life is devoided of meaning, of ultimate and greater purpose. Wow!

Indeed, this is a godless society, where there is not good, to bad, no wrong, no right... just relativism, convenience, survival of the fittest.

Where is purpose? Where is life after this one....?

Where is God?

It is sooooo sad!!


god is your delusion... not mine, your post sounds anything but content, and your contention that anyone who does not have your god in their life leads a listless existence (and that you are not alone in that belief) is what is truly sad.


god is your delusion...

Listen, bigot: Your opinion is just that. An OPINION. Stating it as fact is completely ignorant and narrow minded. I'm sure I could state that your perception of reality is "your delusion... not mine". Grow up.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Go look at those Muslim countries, they have Allah all over
Rioting and killing over a You Tube video while most of them live in oppression and misery. That sounds so much better than whet we decadent westerners have.


You are right.

Nihilism it is. We'll have to deal with it.


Something I've recently learned is that anytime someone starts going on about "relativism" tells you two things. A, that they believe that ~moral code universally aligns with their (probably Judeo-Christian) belief system. B, you should probably stop listening.

Tomorrow you're homeless, tonight it's a blast!


what if life really is devoid of meaning? sorry to break it to you, but life is nothing more than survival of the fittest. i love movies like this that are realistic and don't over romanticize life.


You've got it all wrong. Life isn't devoid of meaning or ultimate/greater purpose at all.

We just don't know what that meaning and/or purpose is. Your God gives your life meaning and purpose, and that's good for you. It's just not for everyone. We're seeking our own meanings.



Life IS devoid of meaning.

Is this some kind of trick answer?
