I'm rather startled that they never called on the Lord.
Or tried to go to a church or such.
Anyone else think so?
"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."
Or tried to go to a church or such.
Anyone else think so?
"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."
Not really. They just believed in their science.
That's true; I'm just surprised they didn't 'explore' that option though.
I'm a Christian, but even if I wasn't...I would have certainly tried whatever I could think of!
"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."
What's so startling about him or his belief in turning to God, especially when one is confronted by preternatural, extradimensional entities?
You would probably be crapping in your smug antitheist panties in such a situation. Confronted with your own mortality and spiritual frailties, folks such as yourself often go like clockwork, screaming out for the same God you'd spent your lives mocking.
Ok your real name can't be Elijah.
shareAgreed. Atheism is the most rational path and the only real path.
I don't care whether I'm being confronted by ghosts, demons or whatever, if you don't maintain your firm belief in atheism then you are not at true atheist.
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I'm not surprised. I wouldn't bother trying it either.
shareWhich is why things wouldn't turn out well for you, to put it mildly.
If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make your signature!
That is opinion, not fact.
shareWhy call out to something that doesn't exist? Waste of time.
"The lemming rustles. And, in this area, the penalty for rustling is death."
Because if evil exists (which it did in the film) then likely God does too.
"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."
THey stated in the movie that this entity was physical in nature, just from another dimension... So i dont think your God could help with that as he tends to not deal with the physical.
Habataitara modorenai to itteshare
Mezashi-ta no wa aoi aoi ano sora
I don't know if I'd say it's "likely" that God exists. But maybe it would make the possibility *more* likely.
I used to be a Christian, but now I'm an Agnostic Atheist. I believed in God, Jesus, angels, demons, and other such beings, but I no longer believe in anything spiritual or supernatural. But, if something which was undoubtedly supernatural happened to me, like this demonic apparition entering my house, it would certainly get me thinking about the supernatural realm, all the other things I've dismissed, maybe even God, and might even get me back in a church. But it's tough to say how I'd react in such a situation.
But to your point, are you talking specifically about the God of the Bible? If you were to find out that demons do exist, why would it make it more likely he exists, instead of Allah, or Vishnu, or Zeus? I wouldn't say it suddenly makes any one spiritual belief system more likely. Just that it certainly opens the door to a lot of other possibilities. But I will admit, the God of the Bible is probably the one I would start reconsidering first, simply because I was raised Christian.
If I ever find myself in a similar situation to the characters in the movie - which I won't, because ghosts don't exist either - things are probably not going to turn out well for me no matter what I do. Calling on someone else's imaginary friend isn't going to improve my chances.
To paraphrase an old saying, pray in one hand and crap in the other and see which hand fills up first.
No, actually. Not everyone is religious, you know. And you don't need to believe in some deity to experience ghosts. To automatically assume that they would call on a deity in a modern 21st century world is very closed minded and presumptuous.
shareIf there was a grand wizard somewhere, why the heck would you call on him when he's the one causing all your problems in the first place. It's like all these survivors of our recent tornados. One newscaster asked a lady, aren't you thanking god for saving you. The woman looks at him and says, first off I'm an atheist. But even if there was a god why the hell would I thank him. I'd tell him to kiss my ass for all the other people he just slaughtered.
What, your family full of Christians never bothered to explain Free Will and the Corruption of Creation to you?
shareI definitely would've called my pastor.
shareAs A Christian, I find people like you highly annoying
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