MovieChat Forums > The Apparition (2012) Discussion > I want to see this movie but Ashley Gree...

I want to see this movie but Ashley Greene is so damn unlikeable

I mean, I only know her through the tabloids cause she's dated 3/4 of the men/rock stars in Hollywood. And she's always sneering.


Well if that's your only problem I do not know what is wrong with you. She is a smoke show in that movie, wasn't asked too act or do too much and she looks awesome in her lingerie and basically the whole movie. Don't let her hold you back, if anything you'll enjoy her for a bit.


I didn't even know she was anybody. I liked the film.










What about getting to know her from her work and her interviews?? Um that is how most people know she is trash. Or are they twisting HER words and the videos/images to make her seem like a skank and everyone is just stupid for falling for it?
Theoretically speaking lets just say she was everything you say she is, can I ask why does it matter? As if there aren't far much worse things to be. Last time I checked her body is her own so why such an interest? Girls like you are a disease. Are you that miserable and insecure with yourself and your own life so much that you feel the need to degrade/bash another for their apparent lack of intelligence, appearance, choices with their own body and a self involved attitude? Are you that bored and lonely with that thing you call a life of yours?

Ashley is a piece of gutter filth and it is proven in her own words in her numerous video and print interviews. Anyone with common sense and standards can see how self involved she is and also borderline retarded she is so I for one am glad to see a few people here have seen the light.
Yet you continue to watch+read her interviews, watch who shes dating, seem to know an awful lot about her, check how successful her films have been and decide to reply on topics about her. You purposely waste your time and precious moments of your life that you will never get back on a woman who is 'gutter trash'. How unfortunate for you. Well..then again your belief system relies on the essence of 'anyone who is unintelligent and self involved' deserves to be degraded and treated as trash so I can clearly see how comically unintelligent you are. Its obvious there is no point in actually thinking anything higher of you. I hate to break it to you but one day when you decide to actually step into the real world you're going to meet alot of 'borderline retards' and 'self involved' people. People with self respect and dignity do not feel the need degrade and dehumanize them but I can tell you reek of one who is utterly depressed with themselves and surely likes to pretend you're smarter then the rest in hopes of getting any attention and self esteem.

Yes her interviews like her Chelsea Lately one about stripping down in front of some random guy and still having her nipple pasties on is random spite...of herself???
Why the hell do you actually care? Does she make your insecurities rise? Are you frustrated because the woman who has a 'little boy body' with 'small teeth' gets more ass and attention then you do? Or is it because shes completely more attractive in every way shape or form then you are, has a better life then you do and being the miserable joke you are just cannot resist the urge to hate?

You talk of her having an ego, being so 'self involved' yet your whole bio section is a hypocritical spew about everything you chose to degrade someone with. Your 'im so superior because im so intelligent dont talk to me if you arent' is not egotistical/self involved whatsoever apparently. "Yea nice logic!"

I'd suggest seeing a therapist ASAP because that delusional attitude you've got cannot be good for you.



This is the first time I've ever seen her acting, and she's not very good. Not terrible, she's much better than some.
But I still wouldn't not watch an actress's roles just because of her personal life. What does that have to do with her acting?

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


