I just finished the film and can honestly say it was very creepy and kept me on edge right until the end.
Although it borrowed from other films - namely the scene of Kayako coming out of the dryer - it also showed me things I've never seen done before, such as the scene where Kelly and Ben find a bunch of furniture molded into the ceiling and walls of the house or the scene where Kelly nails the laundry room door closed only to find herself trapped within the same room.
The acting was fine and was like that of a typical horror movie. Characters scream and say stupid things. But I didn't really expect anything of them other than to be entertained; which I was.
I just don't see why everyone (literally everyone) hates the film. It's really not that bad when put up against other recent films like Paranormal Activity 4 or Grave Encounters 2, which I consider far worse in terms of quality but are getting better reviews.
You are full of crap. I've been on here for over 17 years. What you're saying is idiotic. Think about all the posts before a movie even comes out. People make posts specifically asking questions about a movie so they know if they even want to watch it. There should always be a spoiler warning on the OP if there is going to be a spoiler in the OP. Many times people don't put a very clear subject about the post. People will also be intentionally vague with the spoiler warning as a courtesy to others. If there are spoilers way down in a depths of a thread, that's completely different. Obviously people going to the bowels of a Thread for a movie the haven't seen is asking for trouble. Also if the movie is many years old, having a spoiler warning wouldn't be necessary. But for a movie that is fairly new, and you're going to talk about a spoiler right on the OP, put a damn warning in the subject.
Just by that one statement and you're stating that I'm a full of crap?
There should always be a spoiler warning on the OP if there is going to be a spoiler in the OP.
Yes, they are ought to do that but that doesn't mean they'd do it. Despite all of this, I love to put that 'SPOILER ALERT......................................................................................................' if I wanna spoil something, have learnt my lessons when I was a kid.
Many times people don't put a very clear subject about the post.
Yes, many but not 'all'.
People will also be intentionally vague with the spoiler warning as a courtesy to others.
Except for some people who don't care about that and don't mind any spoilers pouring from other people. They act natural with that, so they wouldn't think that is a sin.
But for a movie that is fairly new, and you're going to talk about a spoiler right on the OP, put a damn warning in the subject.
Have you ever been on Batman Vs. Superman, Suicide Squad, Game Of Thrones, Star Wars The Force Awakens, American Horror Story etc etc etc boards before the time it was first released (for movies) or a new episode just finished airing on television (for tv series)???
When you were a kid? By the way you talk, you are obviously still a child, under the age of 20. Yeah people can do all sorts of a$$hole things, but that wasn't what I was addressing, I was addressing your idiotic post that people SHOULDN'T have to put spoilers because 'WHO CARES'. You're the one who instantly came off as an a$$hole.
You are saying that message boards about movies that haven't come out yet are filled with posts with spoilers? That just shows your intelligence. If a movie isn't out, how the F__K can there be any f-ing spoilers!?!?
18 to be exact.. :) and English is my second language.
You are saying that message boards about movies that haven't come out yet are filled with posts with spoilers?
I wasn't suggesting that, it was that time when it's so trending currently when the movie has come out, that people will pour in the spoilers, without any precaution steps for others. You should know that it's a risk that you must take when you enter any message boards mainly on IMDB. There are movies that haven't been released worldwide but already made a screening test like Valerian.
And please, for the love of God, don't swear, people are trying so hard to convince IMDb for not shutting down the message boards. reply share
I just saw it last night and really enjoyed it. Sure it did not have big scares, was not super original, but I liked the creepy, helpless, uneasy feeling the film had going on.
I have the say in the end it did remind of pulse, but overall I like these types of horror films at times and this one left me creeped out so it did it's job for me at least.
I liked it too! I'll give it 7/10 I am surprised the ratings averaging into just 4/10. This is the most underrated horror movie and far better than rated 6 movies of this genre. It's creepy as hell, quite nice soundtrack music, and unique creepy horror scenes.
I didn't hate this nearly as much as most folks on this board appear to, but I was a bit disappointed. This has decent atmosphere and buildup, but it doesn't really go anywhere and seems to race to the finish. I'll give this 6/10, but if it were longer and better thought out, I'd have rated it higher.
I bought the DVD for practically nothing because that's what I expected it to be. I was quite impressed as it played out, as it went in directions I did not expect. It had a Lovecraftian feeling to it. At one point, as they showed the towers, I half-expected them to begin warping and moving as the fabric of their reality became increasingly warped.
The ending made me think of what happens in "Spores" (2011), the lone survivor (for how long?) confronted with a world-changing occurrence.
I expected nothing from a 99 cent movie then made sure I placed it where I could be sure to watch it again. (I have ADHD plus "fibrofog" and can be haphazard about my movie collections, whether videotaped or DVD.) I'm watching the last part on Chiller Channel now, and it still gives me the feeling that Lovecraft's stories do: man (woman in this story)) having no control as s/he spirals into the abyss.
In contrast, "Poltergeist" (the original at least) is about the darkness focusing on a family, and their love helps them survive. In "The Apparition", it seems as if that is the situation, then it draws back to show us how all-consuming the threat is. The original ending of "The Mist" gives me that feeling: tiny humans in a nightmare world.
Never mind me. I'm just babbling, which I do a lot. What do you expect?! I'm just a crazy old cat lady!
(W)hat are we without our dreams? Making sure our fantasies Do not overpower our realities. ~ RC
This came on late at night on TV and I must say, I was just folding laundry and not really paying attention until a few scenes took me by surprise. I rewound and ended up watching it properly and found it a nice creepy horror movie.
I will say I love the genre and will add several points to any movie that falls in the category (save for torture porn). But this was a solid 6.5-7.
I feel good, I feel great, I feel wonderful... I feel good, I feel great, I feel wonderful...