Too much cursing.

This movie is a prime example of too much cursing ruining a movie. People that make movies are relying on the whole profanity thing to be funny. It's exhausting to watch, when every other word out of a character's mouth is *beep*


OP is right.

I liked the movie, but felt like a lot of the humor was ruined by the over the top forced swearing or overall forced nature of it.

Saying *beep* a bunch of times and D*** isn't very funny. Even though that's kind of how the character is, it didn't really translate to being funny on screen.

The humor I did find funny worked though, but too much of it was forced.

I hope for the sequel, they don't make the jokes feels as try hard.


Even though that's kind of how the character is,

Wrong. That is EXACTLY how the character is. He's the "Merc With A Mouth." He hangs around with other mercenaries and horrible people. His girlfriend is low-rent prostitute.

What do you want him to say? "Owwwie! You jerk that really stings!!!"

If you know the character, then you should have known what to expect.
