MovieChat Forums > Tosh.0 (2009) Discussion > WTF happened with Daniel Tosh/Tosh.0?

WTF happened with Daniel Tosh/Tosh.0?

He had signed a multi-year contract with Comedy Central as Tosh.0 was the networks 2nd most popular show after South Park, with his new season due to air just as covid hit. They cancelled the premiere and waited months to quietly air it after announcing they were reneging their contract and cancelling the show. The official reason was that Comedy Central wanted to focus more on animation.

We're approaching almost 2 years since this happened and Comedy Central hasn't aired any original animation. Moreover they've actually DECREASED the amount of animation outside of spamming south park reruns. King of the Hill is never shown anymore, Cleveland Show only sparingly, and Futurama is shown at like 6am.

Then further to indicate the animation was BS, recently out of nowhere CC greenlights another live action talk show with Charlemagne Da God.

Was there a behind-the-scenes reason involved for Tosh and CC parting ways? The entire things seems sketchy with how it went down.


The channel spent a small fortune renewing a contract for new South Park episodes, I don't know when they start. Maybe likely they couldn't afford a contract to both hit shows.


On a recent episode of the podcast “Whiskey Ginger” (maybe three weeks ago now), Anthony Jeselnik talks about the current state of Comedy Central as a company, along the lines that they are basically bankrupt and financially unable to produce new seasons of any show. It might have started with Tosh.0, but it continued to Jeselnik’s show, and now ‘Nora from Queens’ is also finished. I think South Park is the only Comedy Central show to survive, but even that might be in jeopardy, or they might have to find a new venue.
Check out the episode for yourself though, because I’m just going off memory here. It’s on YouTube.


Covid has probably affected animation times.
