MovieChat Forums > George Gently (2007) Discussion > Lee Ingleby makes the series for me.

Lee Ingleby makes the series for me.

Disagree with the character's stance on many if not most things, but I love the way Lee Ingleby plays Bacchus. Entertaining, rounded, refreshing and strangely likeable (or at least understandable).

The inadequate, conflicted, tory voting, book-cover judging, adolescent, petulant version of the things that made Gene Hunt such a great character in Life On Mars. Almost without fail he makes every potentially dull interaction or set-up into something more entertaining, nuanced, fraught and multi-layered.

Along with the brilliant 60s references, stories, look, sets and sensibilities, it's the thing that keeps me most interested about every new series announcement. In the same way David Suchet, John Thaw and Jeremy Brett did for Poirot, Morse and Holmes. You love the characters and trust them to bring entertainment and a rich layering to almost every story, no matter what the direction.


I think he plays a great part because his character is absolutely real. But I disagree he is likeable, in fact his character has absolutely no redeeming characters, he's not only a complete bigot but a lot of the time he's like a petulant spoiled child when something happens he doesn't like.

'Well I've got two words for you - STFU'


Dangerous and unlikable. But I like the way Lee plays him.


I like him as an actor too. He is very good. Believeable.

I am on the 6th season. I really like the series, however,and I decided to post to your remark because it is Lee's character that while I appreciate the skill in doing him,makes me crazy at the same time.

In 6 years or more one would think that he would have grown some. The weirdness for me is that in this proceedural we have the character,every episode make all kinds of ethical and moral mistakes and then at the end learning some things,but then next episode he is back to scratch,making the same mistakes and causing all the "conflict" which dramas need of course ,but characters have to grow. He only grows for the lone episode...never as a whole.

And his boss George sees something in him,he mentors him. But we are always back at scratch again. This drives me is like a spoiled brat,only much worse. So Lee does a good job with a very unlikable character. To say the least.

And there is reason for all this. ingleby's character represents the ignorant public,generally. The public that naively sits back and accepts things as they are. Kinda of knows better,but can't be bothered. Lazy,cynical,accepts the status quo. Is always ready to put things to rest and go have a celebratory it were. Affected by the stereotypes of the day,race,gender,sexuality,politics,..etc..

I'm thiking that maybe that is why he doesn't grow. He represents the 60's or really any society in general... Gently see the bigger picture and is brave enough to move the bureaucracy and the red tape and all that stands in the way to the truth and honor in general. And the truth is usually an ugly one many would rather not see,keep buried.

Maybe something more has happened with him after where I am??? Well see. Bunthst is my take so far...
