Why is this great film so obscure?

It kicks total axx from beginning to end with Gemma stunning as the take-no-excrement heroine and Renner rising to the challenge. The witches are ee-vil and worthy of nothing other than immediate slaughter, which is basically the siblings' modus operandi. There's a lot of thrilling action and gore, some of it so over-the-top it's amusing; there's even a terrible troll. And the movie LOOKs great.

If you like dark woodsy adventure and don't mind fantasy, don't miss out on this excellent flick.




Agreed. I saw it for the first time last night since 2013 and was impressed by how entertaining and kick ass it was. Lots of fun scenes and the 3 females leads were gorgeous.


For some reason it just didn't take when it first came out. It bombed and it hasn't come around to being a cult classic yet. I feel it should.


It was marketed like total ass right from the getgo and Renner is never gonna be a draw factor. And the movie is too raunchy to make an impact with endless replays on basic cable. And of course there's no video stores anymore. So it just gets forgotten. I only watched it as a goof to make fun of and ended up loving it. That's how dumb the marketing was. They had no idea how to sell this.


I don't recall the marketing, but I do remember that when I finally sat down to watch it it wasn't really what I thought it was going to be. It was both different and more than I expected -- more interesting, more entertaining, more imaginative.

It is a shame that the film didn't get more attention from moviegoers because the writer(s) and director deserved some acclaim for their efforts.


It's a stellar film that for some unknown reason got flogged upon release by critics and even the general public. I've seen wankers on Letterboxd call this a 'guilty pleasure' and an 'awful film that they can't help but love for some reason'. Pretentious snobby 'cinephile' cunts who think every film needs to be a tear jerking drama.

This film was engineered to be fun and entertaining and it delivers that in spades. Nothing bad about it. One of the most fun and entertaining films you'll come across. Add to that the solid production values and you've got yourself a real gem.

This film is similar in vibe to Army of Darkness (1992) and Evil Dead II (1987). Those films rock 7.4 and 7.7 respectively on IMDB versus the 6.1 this film got. If this film was literally Ash: Witch Hunter something of a spin-off from Evil Dead, directed by Sam Raimi it would be praised to the heavens and be a mid-to-high 7s rated film.

From the directors own mouth;

Hopefully – you can see what I'm inspired by: Raimi and Jackson.

Movie criticisms and ratings are so fucking fickle and people love to lynch certain films whilst they'll heap praise on others that are practically identical because they're 'classics' and celebrated. People genuinely need to have their opinions made for them. Those are the same people who follow the 'original is always the best' mantra (that's with regards to remakes and sequels). They have these cinephile doctrines they follow like the bible.


I don't think this film is obscure at all.


For making $226.5 million worldwide on a $50 million budget it is. I never even heard of it until six years after its release.


I like it and I own it and whenever I see it come up on television I'll stop and watch it.
