She made a lot of "loops" before "Deep Throat" like the infamous one where she rapes a dog. They didn't bother to mention that. Nor did they bother to mention most of the period where she gladly tried to capitalize on being Linda Lovelace (late-night talk shows, a brief Vegas revue, the movie "Linda Lovelace for President"). She only became a "victim of porn" in 1980 when her 15 minutes were up and being a porn star didn't take her where she wanted to go. It's highly suspicious.
This movie just bought her victimology hook, line, and sinker. There's nothing wrong with presenting her side of things, but many, many people have very different accounts of these events. Why buy into hers so much that you dishonestly leave out the parts of her life that don't fit the "victim" narrative. They should have said this is "based on the highly questionable and probably largely fictionalized autobiography of Linda Lovelace".