MovieChat Forums > Senna (2011) Discussion > 'Senna' should have had best doc nom. It...

'Senna' should have had best doc nom. It's a scandal!

How could that FANTASTIC film NOT be nominated for an Oscar? It was quite simply one of the most compelling, exhilerating, moving films ever ...let alone just in 2011. Shame on you, selectors. Once more Senna is bounced off the podium by the bureaucrats.


Wow! Guess it relates to the fact that not too many Americans are into F1. But this movie isnt' just for F1 fans - it's amazing.

So disappointed.


It is indeed amazing and has held everyone I have recommend watch it absolutely gripped, interested in F1 or not. Great shame.


I just found out about this after watching Mark Kermodes blog, it's unbelievable the Senna won't even be nominated. Now I admit to being biased, I loved watching Senna race when he was alive and have always thought F1 was never quite the same when he died, so naturally I think the documentary is great. Yet, I have a close friend who has zero interest in F1 or motorsport in general and his opinions of the Senna documentary were the same as mine, he loved it. I've heard from other people, also non-motorsport fans, and they've all thought the same too.

I wouldn't complain if Senna didn't win an Oscar, but to not even be nominated???? That's just a joke. We all know the Oscars are a scam but they could at least try to disguise it a bit!


I had no interest in F1 prior to this film (I still don't), but it was an amazing movie!

That's how I know it really should have been nominated for best documentary. You take a subject that I have Zero interest in and make it compelling enough that I can't stop watching it. That is great film making.


I have to say "Who cares?" I just watched the film and it was great but why should I or anyone else care whether a film was nominated or won an Oscar. I have watched about 5 minutes of the Oscars and was bored to death. It's a pointless self congratulatory party. Netflix suggestions are a better guide to good films than the Oscar list.


I party agree.
I'm not one for awards myself.

However, it would have been nice for this film to at least get some recognition for the work put in.

Jesus died for our sins. As he's already dead...sin away.


I'd simply say Senna is too good to get an Oscar insult.

People are just too stupid and a documentary would never, ever in my whole life gain an oscar.


Agree. This is the best movie of the year. These award shows are getting worse every year.



Haven't you heard ? 'Senna' did not made the short-list for the possible documentary nominations, so it won't get a a nomination at the Oscars this year.


Hmm. I didn't even hear about this. That's odd. Well, then that's an outrage!

The Oscars really drop the ball when it comes to documentaries.

This happens. This is something that happens.


The documentary category is a joke, they always nominate the wrong films.


an other nail in the coffin of the stupid "academy"


get real fanboys. It was nothing special.


please get to know something about somebody before introducing the word "fanboy" in the conversation ;V


You can all cheer up a little: This week "Senna" just won Best Documentary at the BAFTA Awards.
IMO, the BAFTA people are more open-minded than the insular Americans.


Well, if you look at facts and not just your opinion, the Academy regularly nominates as many or more foreign actors and films than BAFTA. In point of fact, the nominations of the two bodies have been very similar for some years. The main difference is that more British actors/films are nominated at the BAFTAS. I'm not knocking BAFTA, but don't take cheap shots at "the insular Americans" without even taking a cursory glance at nominations. Incidentally, of the three films nominated for Best Documentary Feature at the BAFTAS this year, two were British. Both of the short film winners were British. At the Oscars, the doc feature winner was American, while 2 of the 3 short film winners were non-American. Most of the other awards at both ceremonies went to "The Artist," a French production.

While I love "Senna," the lack of an Oscar nomination has more to do with the ridiculous rules and regulations of the Documentary Feature branch of the AMPAS than xenophobia. A number of the the year's most highly-acclaimed docs didn't get nominations, which has caused quite an uproar. This happens every year, but this year there were some major exclusions, including "Project Nim," "Buck," "Page One," "The Interrupters," and "Into the Abyss."

The rules are supposedly being revised so that stringent rules don't keep some of the best films of the year out of contention. However, it should be noted that this year's winner, "Undefeated," is a really great film.


I thought the editing on Senna was truly amazing. It's not something I have ever really noticed before, but the way all those clips were put together really was an amazing piece of work, and made Senna the outstanding film that it was.

As such, I am very glad that it won the BAFTA for best Editing. A richly deserved award.


It's worth noting that it is the only documentary to ever win Best Editing at the BAFTAs. Richly deserved.


you are so right. That BAFTA was richly deserved.


I actually watched Oscars and the hosts in the studio of one of the tv channels (can't remember which one) said that "Senna" would've been a favourite, but it didn't get a nomination due to some formal reasons. It's been released in some countries in 2010 from what I remember.


It should had been nominated, but there you go.

Its that man again!!


