I know a few families like this. Now, I'm sure it's not always the case, but the most common reason for an age gap like that is that a couple thinks they are finished after having 2 kids, and then they get an oopsie baby when they don't expect one.
And fertility can be a funny thing. Sometimes a couple has trouble conceiving and sometimes they have no problem. My mom had my sister from a previous marriage, and my sister was 6 when our mom married my dad. My parents tried right away to have a baby, but to no avail for 6 years. That was me! When I was born, my sister was 13. So you'd think my parents had issues and maybe I was a miracle baby or something, but nope. My brother was born 15 months after I was born. So if they had no issues conceiving my brother, why did it take so long to conceive me? It's just the way things work sometimes.
"The hideousness of that foot will haunt my dreams forever."