Anyone else like it?

Kinda surprised at all the negative reactions here, and what a low IMDB rating this film's got. I thought it was pretty creepy, a fairly novel twist on the found footage schtick and I like how much it left unexplained. Not perfect by a long way (alright the background music that suddenly appears 3/4 of the way through made no sense), but there are plenty of films out there more deserving of internet rage. I look forward to seeing what else this director's got in him.


Yeah I am not the only one who liked it! Though it did kind of drag on I did like a lot of parts of it. Some of it didn't make sense but I loved the road rage part; that freaked me out because I see a lot of it. I love these compared to the blood/gore/naked type of movies because they are more realistic and actually have plot.

I like weird movies. :D


I'm in the middle pretty much. It had some creepy stuff in it, but it wasn't reinventing the wheel. Maybe something I'll watch again someday.

Only few problems I had. One, the usual found footage problem, "I have to keep the camera rolling for <so and so reason>!" I know these movies would just end if they didn't but they should make more believable reasons (BTW REC 3 for those who haven't seen it makes fun of that angle in a pretty funny way). And two, that camera was humongous! No way I'd be carrying that thing for that long! C'mon, it's the late 2000s, there are smaller models than that!


Good try, Dominic Perez!!


I agree fully with you, harekrishna. Although in addition to the so faint I don't remember it background music, them not following their own footsteps back to the house when it was light WAS IMO a major flaw. THE major flaw. Otherwise, pretty darn tense and cool flick...

"Into every life a little coffee must spill."


There's a point where 'stuff is left unexplained' becomes 'didn't bother writing a full story' meet and it was in this movie.


I definitely thought it was creepier than most, especially in terms of atmosphere


i liked it. i definitely found it creepy. imagine someone you don't know leaving a video tape on on your doorstep and on the tape there are close-ups of you sleeping... that creeped me out the most


I liked, too. That's probably in part because I know the area where the movie is set fairly well, but also because it had a sense of building tension that I enjoyed. There were a couple of characters I liked: Mark was the only reasonably mature, level-headed one, and his girlfriend Cassy was cute and funny. The actress who played her, Laurel Casillo, was great. I'm sorry to see on her imdb page that she has had few other roles. Leo was sort of neutral, since he didn't have much of a presence. Tanya and Miriam were annoying with the incessant screaming.

Yes, there were a couple of stupid errors - like the part where they get lost in the woods despite the clear visibility of their own footsteps in the snow and the brilliant glow of their house against the night sky. It's also never explained how the killer(s) found them at that remote house without following them, which we would have seen, or how he got into the house or seemed to know his way around it so well.

I didn't hear much of the music people complain about. Because of the frequent hysterical screaming, I had the sound turned down and watched the CC's. I guess the music wasn't very loud.

On the other hand, as others have said here, I enjoyed the slow build-up. Obviously, people who need to see constant action will not like Evil Things. Everyone is entitled to his opinion, but after all these years on imdb, why do people still think it's clever and funny to say things like "I want my 90 minutes back" or "Save yourselves! Don't watch this movie!"?


I really liked it. It's one of the best found footage movies, IMO.
