Anyone else like it?

Kinda surprised at all the negative reactions here, and what a low IMDB rating this film's got. I thought it was pretty creepy, a fairly novel twist on the found footage schtick and I like how much it left unexplained. Not perfect by a long way (alright the background music that suddenly appears 3/4 of the way through made no sense), but there are plenty of films out there more deserving of internet rage. I look forward to seeing what else this director's got in him.


I thought it was pretty creepy as well. It reminded me a bit of the orginal Texas Chainsaw massacre. I loved the wicked surprise when they saw the videotape. I don't know what it is about a lot of these young posters, it seems they have short attention spans and can't enjoy a movie unless there are constant explosions and plenty of CGI.


Liked it myself as well. Nice change of pace when a found footage movie isn't about the paranormal like a lot of the others in the genre have been. Pacing could have been better, but the reactions everyone gives near the end made up for it.

Also, just figure the person who mailed it had added it in. Though, still would have been best without it. Breaks the environment of something that is suppose to be shot on a handheld, and brings into the realm of a regular movie.


I liked it too, there were actually scenes where I almost covered my ears and eyes...hasn't happened for ages, but some scenes were REALLY intense.

...just sayin'...


I actually liked it VERY much. I wasn't expecting to, but it really surprised me. Very well done and the acting was quite excellent.

SPOILER ALERT: The only thing I didn't understand was the strange sound the killer made. It didn't sound human. Did anyone else understand this?

D: It is written.


I liked it too. It was a nice, creepy story. The actors weren't bad either. That was really the most surprising part to me.


I thought it was creepy as well and yes, I liked it.

[spoilers below....]

I thought it would've had a supernatural spin to it but the fact that it was a stalker is all too real.

You just HAD to see what was behind this spoiler, didn't you?


I liked it too. Its was a nice change of pace to see a group of friends who you thought actually were friends instead of 5 random people brought together for a movie plot.

This is what happens when you DONT have a gun.

I like guns, slasher movies, and more guns.


Terrible, terrible film.

Waaay too much screaming and hysteria; if you were in that situation, would you not have punched each one of them? Annoying as Hades.

Turd-o-rama, 'found footage' film done bad.


I liked it for the most part. Some of it was truly creepy. I wish there had been a bit more mayhem at the end but overall I thought it was decent.


Terrible, terrible film.

Waaay too much screaming and hysteria;

If you think this film contained way too much screaming and hysteria, then you haven't seen Amber Alert, which actually was quite a good film, despite the way too much screaming and hysteria.

"Into every life a little coffee must spill."


Hmmm. I have to respectfully call you out on trolling here:) Much like Paranormal Activity, this is about 30 minutes tops of watchable padded out to feature length, since that's what you need to sell a movie.

While you may actually think it's novel, and that could certainly be argued, in the age of YouTube, you certainly know that we don't stand for movies that just show people doing NOTHING MUCH for an hour at a time, for no real reason. You are not surprised at the negative reaction, unless you're Amish on Rumspringa (sp) and have never watched television, or surfed the internet. You, sir/madam, are trolling. Take care;)


that we don't stand for movies that just show

Please don't attempt to speak for me. If you didn't like the film, because of it's faults, that's fine.

But there are many folks who like slow-moving dramas, slow-moving character development movies, and so forth. Not saying this movie was either.

But taste is not universal. So there is no "we". There's you and me and we just disagree (good lyric, no? ).

"Into every life a little coffee must spill."
