Good first season

Season 1 was quite enjoyable. First half was very funny, second half was not that funny. However, all in all it's definitely worth watching.

Was great to see Lilith and Rozz again. Kelsey is always great as Frasier.

Alan is very funny.
Olivia is hilarious.
David is very annoying. I cringe every time he is onscreen.
Eve is awesome.
Jack Cutmore-Scott is really good as Freddy, and his character works really well with Frasier.

I really hope this show gets quite a few seasons.


Yeah, I enjoyed it as well, though of course not nearly as much as the original, which to this day is my favourite sitcom of all time.

I 'll be happy if it lasts a few seasons, but I won't be terribly disappointed if it doesn't.


It felt like it didn’t miss a beat from the original.


I will watch more but at present, I see the show as a failure. But nothing that can't be fixed. They played their welcome back nostalgia card. Now it has to be a good show on its own.
