I side with the parents

Hundreds of thousands of dollars in law school tuition and she's willing to throw it all away for a seaweed farmer in a place (and a person) that will eventually lose it's luster after awhile. Nah-ah.


A love hater, I see.


If you've got 6 figures to blow, have at it.


Yeah I side with the parents too! I couldn't believe how ignorant and rash Lily was jumping into marriage with a boy she barely knows; and whose family she knows even less about; in a place that's half way across the world she's been in for only just a minute; with a completely different religion, culture and language she knows nothing of! But, hey the weather and sunsets are nice! SMH!

Lily criticizes her parents saying, "You’re just like all parents, acting like you’re giving your kid this great advice for their own good, but all you’re really doing is talking to your young, dumb selves, trying to rewrite the past and not do whatever you did [wrong] 25 years ago."

Uh yeah well isn't that just one purpose of parenting?! To teach your children not to repeat the same crazy stupid mistakes you did or your parents did or your grandparents did when they were young and dumb and blinded by "lurve" or money or whatever the hell it was that they were blinded by in the moment?! Just because you think you know it all and what you want in your teenage years or as a twenty something doesn't mean you do. And believe me you don't! Most nowadays don't even wise up until they're in their thirties!

So I'd say to Lily why don't you return home and try putting your college education to good use by giving your career a chance to develop first? On the way you might meet someone who is a much more closer fit than you realize who will be able to give you what later on you will know you want out of life. Because believe me it's wise to learn from your own mistakes, but so much more wiser and far less stressful to learn from the mistakes of others!




You're right and you should say it!


Some people never find love. It's heartbreaking.


Are these people in the room with us right now?


Ask your warden


I tried it, it did not work! I side with the parents.


Agreed. They should make a sequel set a year later and see how she is doing there without all the aspects of American culture she grew up with.


Now that would be comedy lol.


she is not throwing anything away. if you want to get practical, they can certainly move back to US and still have good life. Lily's bar license and degree from top law school won't expire, and she can easily still be a lawyer. Seaweed dude's family business has world wide presence and he can totally live in the US and work on the business side. i am sure that's what they'll do when they have kids.
