Consistent Characterization
One of the biggest weaknesses of TVD for me is that the character's decisions/actions are often inconsistent. If it drives the plot forward or solves a narrative dilemma (or helps bolster Delena/Damon in some way), the characters will act completely OOC without much explanation. This has made character growth really hard, which is why we're seeing the same crap SLs play out over and over again and no one learns from their mistakes. If the show was true to who the characters were in the first 2 seasons of the show, how do you think they would have ended up?
My thoughts:
Bonnie: Bonnie's slide from strong, intelligent, powerful witch into powerless, pathetic martyr makes the least narrative sense for me. She would have started to be at odds with her friends around s3&4 and she would have sought out other witches to help her strengthen her powers. Eventually she would have gone dark, or become drunk with power. Even before Kai came along, I always thought she would have had a relationship with another witch and explore her dark side. Bonnie would have become a nemesis to the vampires as well. I think she ultimately would have rejoined the group, but not without some sacrifice on their part.
Elena:I think Elena would have ended up with a non vamp. I do think her evolution from being a selfless angel into a self absorbed, weak woman was realistic. After being told the world revolves around you so many times, you begin to think it does. I think she and Damon would have had a passionate love affair, with her exploring her dark side, but ultiamtely deciding she wants a life away from vampires.
Matt: Matt would have long ago turned on his vampire friends and become a nemesis to them. It would have been an internal struggle for him, but he would have likely gone against them and (probably) ended up dead.
Damon: He would have risen to his full villain potential and ultimately been killed.
Stefan: Stefan would have martyred himself for his friends/brother a long time ago. The guilt of being a ripper would have been too much for him.
Caroline: I think she ended up about where I expected. But Steroline would have never happened.
What do you guys think?