I agree! But my intuition has always told me they were gonna end this show with some sort of alternative past. And the fact Nina was running around in old, human(or not beyond S4) Elena gear, while everyone else looked dressed for a wedding or funeral, I'd say there's something to this spoiler.
Plus: Kat/Bonnie in a wedding dress. Dead characters who not only are Not in Hell, but were long-ago confirmed to have found Peace, back on set. Everyone knowing how extremely unlikely a DE wedding was (*tho* even if Ian was being too difficult, they could have filmed future scenes of them ALLUDING to their happy, human, kid-filled future...). The chance that JP/KW chose to be diplomatic with SE v DE endgames.
AND, not only does Bonnie onvi have her magic back, it looked like she created the same ripple in Space-time that allowed Cade to create Hell. That said, perhaps it's just a peaceful little prison-worldesque place for her to happily exist with Enzo. At this point, I'm pretty sure she'd be fine leaving everyone else. And maybe it would technically mean her "death" (from this plane), so Elena could wake-up. That being said, Kai's comeback most likely means the original rules are being altered, OR he reveals Elena was never really tied to Bonnie...possibly, it was Damon all along.
All this said, I fully agree about TO's timeline. Plus, we know Ric goes down to NOLA on THEIR show, to bring Elijah an ancient relic. So he has to be alive and running the Armory. Further, unless every single castmember wrote it in blood that they are DONE, JP/KW would not want to box themselves out of MF kiddos making guest spots, or even more, in The Quarter. Unless of course, they're sure TO won't get another season...they're already done filming 4...
If this IS the case, I'll never forgive JP for not fighting tooth and nail to prevent the network pushing and dumping TO into March. Was it not bad enough that the Death Slot happened!? The CW practically eats out of her palms, so not only do I strongly believe she could have prevented her and Narducci's baby being dumped for basic GARBAGE, and used as a "shiny thing"' to attract viewers to Spring '17. Just like with The 100, that network FINALLY had a chance to legitimize itself as a "real boy," and instead of continuing forward, they LEPT back to bratty and boring obvlivion.