Klaus or Kai?

Which character/villain did you prefer?

My vote goes to Kai, hands down.
I'm in the minority in that I never liked Klaus, thought he overstayed his welcome, and found him a little pathetic lol.

A rose is just a rose.


Kai. Less whiny and tormented. He's evil simply because he gives 0 f-cks. Period. And that's delightful to watch.

Klaus basically just has mommy and daddy issues. He not about that life.

Don't be thinking about me when I'm gone.
I wasn't thinking about you when you were here.


The best thing about Kai is that he too had fam issues, considering the whole coven rule about one one witch survives or whatever. But he didn't make spend his time moaning about that and justifying his behavior by blaming it on his parents...which is what Klaus was all about.


There's a deleted scene for 6x15 with Kai and Jo where he basically goes into a whiny rant about being "the blacksheep of the family."

Honestly, I'm glad they deleted it. Nothing against Chris Wood, because he acted his ass off in that scene, but that trope has been done to DEATH on this show. I'm beyond sick of it.

Oh he kills things because his family rejected him? Tell him to take a number. Removing that scene actually made Kai stand out more as a villain, to me.

Even Katherine's backstory is better. She had her newborn ripped from her arms, was nearly sacrificed and then had her entire family murdered when she tried to run. Her reasons for going psycho and being hardened were more sympathetic to me.

Everyone else, I just feel needs to get over it already.

Don't be thinking about me when I'm gone.
I wasn't thinking about you when you were here.


Klaus and Kai like to murder little children, but at least Kai is more entertaining while at it.

"Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth"
