three hours of subtitles
can you do it?
shareI can. I want to see this, but it is not playing near me and doesn't seem to be available on streaming or on demand.
shareGreetings, Allaby
Do what you have to do to see it, you won’t regret it.
Seeing that it’s the heavy favorite (-1100) to win Best Foreign, I have to believe that a streamer in North America will eventually pick it up. If not, well, there is what brother rushington said…
Where are you located? It's playing at three theaters near me, including a drive-in theater. If you are far from a big city, you may be out of luck, or it may be an excuse to take a weekend trip? I've traveled for art before, and never regretted it. :)
shareI'm in Ontario, Canada. It isn't playing at the theatres in my area and I don't want to travel to another city to see it.
shareVery well then, let's hope it comes your way. :)
shareI watched it on demand today. Sorry to say, this didn't do a lot for me. It was far too long and dragged on. I didn't find the story very interesting or engaging. Performances are fine and I liked the cinematography. There's a few good moments here and there, but not enough for me. It's a 6/10 from me.
shareThat's disappointing. I've yet to see it, but will let you know my thoughts once I've had the chance to do so.
shareYou would like it. If you're willing to watch an illegal version with great quality, I could hook you up with a link.
shareI watch everything with subtitles. I can't stand rewinding when someone mumbles or says something with a thick accent.
When my kids were little I always had subtitles or closed captioning on. I thought it would make them read sooner. They turned out great and did read early, but that might be more due to their mother being pretty damn smart.
The show that had the absolute WORST closed captioning? Sesame Street. No lie.
I can. This movie is so good it doesn't feel like 3 hours at all.
shareThis is the norm in many countries where dubbing is not in vogue. 3 hours, 5 hours, all day. Not a problem at all. Always better than dubbing.
shareFuck you.
Dubbing is for film lovers.
subtitles are for assholes that drank the cool aid from their masters, who are simply WILLINGLY AND OBVIOUSLY SABOTAGING FOREIGN MOVIES.
Enjoy your reading while I enjoy the picture (including this one, dubbed).
Dubbing is for lazy bastards who don't care about watching destroyed movies. I never had a problem reading subtitles while enjoying the movie. I would never watch a dubbed movie, if I had a choice (including the choice not to watch it at all).
Brush up your reading skills. That would help.
What are films about:
A watching pictures and getting what the artist tries to express through them
B a photographic transposition of a theatre play
A FEW movies are about a great voice acting performance that MIGHT lose something when dubbed.
The vastest majority of films have more important aspects to experience, like the montage, the action, the story, or the sheer IMAGES.
Reading subs while watching a film is as insulting and against the experience as listening to an audio guide while at a concert.
The voice acting is an important part. So important that many silent actors lost their jobs with the advent of the talkies. Reading subtitles is like blinking. Almost. There are some exceptions, where the exchanges happen too fast.
The only thing worse than dubbing DeNiro is dubbing Schwarzenegger.
Voice acting is as important to film as tuxedo wearing is important to classical music.
It's not even in the top 10 important things to experience a film.
WATCHING the fucking screen is, instead, #1 priority.
Funny you mentioned silent movies, that just shows you how utterly unimportant voice acting is to film art.
Even more ironic, do you realize that dubbing was created exactly to overcome the barriers of speaking exclusively in any language and to be able to distribute internationally movies that were otherwise limited to their own language territory?
I mean, it was not necessary before voice acting exactly because there was not a single language in a movie. You just split in the translated title cards.
With voice, they needed a better system to fit the medium and enjoy it. Hence, they created dubbing, because subtitles feel like fucking with a sock on your dick.
Depends on where you grew up. In my country they dub only animated movies and movies they show on TV. If somebody tried to show a dubbed movie in a theater, the film buffs will burn it down.
Different nations have different way to say the same things and act differently with their bodies while saying it. Making Italians speak like Americans or Russians is not working. Only the fact that their lips do not match the voices is unbearable enough and causes immediate loss of immersion.
I make rare exceptions for old and obscure movies because sometimes is hard to find English subtitles matching the original audio.
That is where the indoctrination of the masses comes in.
Masses have never been known to be intelligent, they just need some acceptable bullshit and will go along anything force fed on them from above.
The "acceptable" bullshit about dubbing is what you keep repeating, like "lips not synching are unberarable" (because it's so difficult to realize what is going on there....see, they speak yet the voice is not theirs-hence it does not match the lips!!!! an easy enough concept to accept for anybody over 4), or "you can read, can't you? or are you so dumb you cannot read while watching a movie?" (which is a dare that only an idiot would find acceptable - anybody sane would just reply "hey, how about you make it watchable like everywhere in the planet so I can actually watch it?").
It's all kool aid for YOU to believe they are doing you a favor, while in reality they want to make it as unpleasant as possible to enjoy foreign movies.
The same assholes in charge of this barrage of criticism over foreing movies dubbing are the very ones promoting their own products elsewhere ALWAYS BY DUBBING EVERYTHING they churn out.
Nope, not even 3 minutes.
That is NOT watching a film. That is reading the bottom of a screen while unintelligible action takes place above your eyesight.
That is why most of the planet dubs movies.
Except for those countries that want to strategically sabotage foreign productions by refusing to dub, to protect their own production.
Like north korea, or other third world close minded dictatorships.....
Imagine being this much of a lazy-ass that you can't even watch a movie in its original language.
Just sad.
No, it is sad to "watch" a movie by constantly looking down while hearing gibberish.
Imagine being this much of a lazy-ass that you can't even watch a movie in a dubbed version.
Get educated, this anti dubbing brainwash is only forced on your weak mind by those that want to sabotage your real enjoyment of a foreign movie.
So you're telling me you've never seen Bergman, Kurosawa, Almodovar movies?
Or did you get all those dubbed?
I got all those and many more dubbed.
Imagine that!
I'm with Heisenberg on this one. While pretentious types love to boast of their ability to enjoy a subtitled film, I think it's far better to watch the dubbed version. I want to look at the entire screen and see the entire frame rather than spend my time reading the bottom 15% of the screen. You lose far more by ignoring the visual elements of a film than you ever will by hearing the lines delivered by a dubbed voice.
Moreover, when reading subtitles, it isn't always clear who is speaking, as you aren't looking at the image to see who is doing the speaking. Meanwhile, I cannot think of any compelling reason to watch a subtitled version unless the translation is way off, which it rarely, if ever, seems to be.
You can perfectly well read substitutes and watch the movie, unless you are really not used to reading in general.
Subtitle reading is automatic for people that do it often. Sucks to be you watching those silly dubs and not even knowing the real voice of the actors, I guess.
You can do one or the other. Multi-tasking is a myth. And no, it has nothing to do with being "used to reading in general." My degree is in English literature, and I've been an avid reader my entire life.
No matter how often you read subtitles, you're still spending the film staring at the bottom of the screen, and missing much of what is being presented. Sucks to be you staring at the words, thinking you are somehow better for reading, all the while missing the visual elements of a visual medium.
Hear hear, everyone!
shareI don’t mind subtitles at all, but I found this movie incredibly slow, long, and boring. The first act was intriguing, but it was a snore fest for the proceeding 2 hours.
I date a Japanese woman that’s into film, and didn’t want to give her my opinion of it until she gave me her’s first. When she said “it bored me to tears”, I replied “Me too”!
It’s not an awful movie, but we both agreed that it needed a more robust editing job. A 3-hour movie should be little more engaging, IMO. The first hour genuinely did hook me though.
it's not for everyone, that's for sure.