Where Damon is hitting her was really disturbing to me. I don't care if this was a scene in the original, it was just odd feeling and I don't think it needed to be included. This isn't the 50s. Hitting a child is becoming a big tabboo and I don't think it was appropriate. Especially given that she was - what - a teenager or preteen girl. 30 year old men don't go spanking girls in their teens/pre-teens. It's just flat out weird.
A spanking isn't bad persé anyway. Talking to a child who has done something wrong trying to explain it does not work. They do not comprehend it equals punishment.
As long as one doesn't beat the living *beep* out of a kid there's nothing wrong with it. Considering the kids I see today I wish people would do it more often. Bunch of rude uneducated ill-raised blights they are! And I live in a middle-class neighborhood so that should say something. And I'm not even old.
Now the girl (she was hardly a child) in the movie did know reason and that made it funny. LeBeauf's old fashioned mannerisms made it funny. And him being called upon it made it even more funny.
Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look really un-evolved? - Bill Hicks
I don't see the problem with any old (?) man (in a film) spanking a 14 year old girl. However, I was interested to see a significant part of dialogue was omitted. In the original, Rooster tells him to stop as he is 'enjoying it too much'. I was wondering if they didn't dare put that in this newer version, because it implies far too much.
In the original, Rooster tells him to stop as he is 'enjoying it too much'.
Really? I said the exact same thing His behaviour was inappropriate from the start. And any time a grown man puts his hands on a child it will raise eyebrows...
That being said, I support spanking at the hands of parents, as a form of discipline. My mum spanked me whenever I misbehaved and it didn't even hurt. It just taught me that actions have consequences.
Have you noticed that the people who say it's ok for a strange man to hit repeatedly a young girl approaching marriage age is acceptable behavior are all MEN?
Yes, that is what artworks like film need more of, a revisioning of historical settings with our dogmatic modern sensibilities pandering to the base. They should have made Rooster have an openly gay, black, best friend talk about how bullying is a real problem in the world.
Please excuse any typos, this was typed on an iPad
Nothing wrong with it at all. Our world is effed up because we are told to stop whipping our kids. I was spanked, belted on occasion and once slapped. But i needed it and deserved it.
Beating a child is wrong and is the result of anger. Discipline of a child, including spankings is true love.
Ever try reasoning with a 2 year old? time outs are a joke. a swat on the butt will emphasize a point safely and succinctly. Discipline does not lead to abuse/violence etc, despite what you were taught in your brainwashing academy/public school.
Our world is effed up because busybodies in the public schools mistakenly say that any form of physical discipline is abuse.
How wrong they are. we will reap a whirlwind of future psychopaths because of their intransigence.
flame on.
"I'm completely out of ammo. That's never happened to me before." -Bert Gummer
It had a certain comedic value. I can't help but feel that a real life Texas cowboy might have hurt her for real. Instead he bent her over and spanked her ass like she's a kid. Though I have to say, he did comment on her attractiveness earlier and thought about "stealing a kiss" from her, showing that he doesn't quite think of her as a child. Taking that into account it is a little creepy.
Rameses Niblick the Third, K'plunk K'plunk, Whoops, Where's My Thribble
Period setting... and besides, Labeouf didn't see her as a teenager - to him, she was just an annoying little brat, not a girl on the verge of womanhood.
Born when she kissed me, died when she left me, lived whilst she loved me
... whom he openly stated he wished to kiss earlier. dude was a sadistic pedo one minute, comic relief the next. spanking anybody is creepy, as it implies entitlement to violence. at least in a knock down, drag-out fight, the aggressor is admitting to being a violent jerk by his actions.
A more careful observation of the film, however, reveals that he was neither of these things. Watch the movie again and pay more attention; you seem very confused.
Well of COURSE it didn't feel comfortable to you... you have been grown up/raised in a generation where spanking PERIOD is "taboooooooo" ... (which I think is hilarious to be totally honest, and seeing all of the BRATS running around now days makes me wish that it was fully brought back as a punishment).
The reality is that this movie takes place in a time when this was NORMAL. Back then you could spank a child that wasn't your own, and whip them for having a disrespectful/bad attitude and no one would look twice at you. Now, if you punched them in the FACE or something, then you'd get some weird looks.
But remember that back then school teachers were allowed to whip any of the children with rulers and switches and stick them in a corner with a "DUNCE" cap on their heads to humiliate them. (It worked... lol).
The reality is that although we (this generation) feels weird watching the scene, no one seeing that back then would have felt weird. Admittedly, the character was going overboard towards the end, which is why Jeff Bridges character stopped him.
But, Matt Damon's character did nothing wrong in this day and age... in fact, my husband and I stopped the movie long enough to have a conversation about his first statements to her (About the "stealing a kiss while she slept" thing)- and the reality is that back then, he could have MARRIED her and no one would have even blinked.
It all looks odd to us because we live in a "new age" prissy society where we're so sensitive about our children... (who are all growing up acting like monkey's btw) ... that things like this seem weird to us.
Get over it. The time period was portrayed BEAUTIFULLY... I was spanked as a child, and NOTHING is wrong with me. I do not harbor BAD feelings or regret, shame, or ANGER towards my parents for spanking me. Problems with my parents are due to OTHER things... not punishment.
This scene is fine.
The movie however? Had it's moments, but wasn't my favorite.
and the reality is that back then, he could have MARRIED her and no one would have even blinked.
They certainly would have. Mattie still plaits her hair in braids, not an updo, and her skirt (when she's seen in a dress) is not floor-length. That's not a womanly presentation by the standards of her time: she is seen as a child still.
Further, it was not typical for 14-year-olds to be getting married in the 19th century US, whether it was to men twice their age or not. I'm not saying it never happened, but it certainly wasn't so common that "no one would have even blinked." If a girl got married in her teens, it was much more common that she'd be 17-19.
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Demonicoreos is self diagnosing herself (like she's a qualified a psychiatrist). First major mistake. Those afflicted mentally never see a problem in themselves! Demonicoreos thinks it's ok, even then, for a strange man to enter the room of a sleeping girl/young woman, and put his lips on a young girl/woman without asking permission. In those days, a man asked for permission of the parents to spend time with a daugher (in the parlour or on the front porch). Inappropriate behavior was entering the room of a girl/young woman he did not know, putting his mouth on a girl/young woman while she was not even awake. He then thinks it's ok to beat her. He beats her so badly, that the marshall threatens to shoot him. If Mattie's adult male relatives had been there, they would have shot LeBeof as well. Demonicoreos has misdiagnosed herself as being ok.
I did not ever say that it would have been OKAY for him to kiss her. I said he could have MARRIED her. 9_9 Which means that she would have had to have agreed.
I also did not say that it was NOT inappropriate for him to go into her room.
And I've never believed myself (or ANYONE) to be okay ;) hahaaha
Hah. Every thread on this board is ridiculous. Also, to whomever said that this scene differed significantly from the 'original' read the damn book; this scene is exactly as it occurs in the book.