Just shows millennials aren't that smart
To continue to fall for these movies that aren't scary just shows that millennials are easily entertained by poorly written movies that have a central ghoul or creature that just isn't that terrifying.
shareTo continue to fall for these movies that aren't scary just shows that millennials are easily entertained by poorly written movies that have a central ghoul or creature that just isn't that terrifying.
shareThe daily rant against millennials by grumpy baby boomers/gen x’ers yelling at a cloud convincing themselves to be so superior to the young uns because the young demographic loved a popular and well-received modern movie said grump disliked so intensely (along with a plethora of other reasons millennials deserve contempt in the eyes of older generations).
*Slow clap*
I honestly don't care that much, except for the fact that there are lots of movies that aren't made or are tailored toward milleninials which has absolutely ruined the motion picture industry. I love movies and am sad to see so many of them that are just not that good. Every now and then though a gem comes along, so I guess I can be thankful for that.
To be fair, modica started this whole nonsense so DracTarashV2 was well in their right to stick up for them self.
shareI have the right to voice my opinion and what I feel is that younger viewers have ruined the movie business. They rush to these mediocre to poor movies that aren't worth seeing. Maybe if people stayed away from these turkeys, the studios would work harder to give us better movies. Just saying.
shareI dunno, I don't think it's just millennials that are responsible for the decline in quality, but you're right, you are entitled to your opinion. There's still a lot of good movies out there but you just gotta look out for them.
shareYes, there are lots of good movies out there, but they aren't box office gold for the most part.
shareI'm a millennial and the criticism is just. Our generation is the most idiotic generation ever to spring out of the human race. 80 genders? Criminalizing misuse of gender pronouns? Cultural appropriation? Safe spaces? Manspreading? Blurring 'regret' with 'rape'? We're a bloody joke.
shareA few weekends ago I clocked a safe space bus in a supermarket parking lot that's near a couple of nightclubs in a student heavy city. I started smiling at first then when I thought about it more I just felt so sad for those people that need it. As soon as real world kicks in they'll be completely useless. These things aren't helping anyone and are probably doing more harm than good.
How are they supposed to learn how to deal with tough and/or stressful situations when they are taught running away, sticking their fingers in their ears and going "La la la la!" is an acceptable way to deal with things?
And the fact that it is so widespread is what is worrying. No wonder we have companies like Google and Facebook silencing opposing opinion and cracking down on free speech in the name of "safety". This is the future we are forging for ourselves all because we can't handle racist or sexist comments as bloody adults? It's so bad that some countries such as Canada and Sweden along with a couple of American cities such as new York, have actually criminalized misuse of misgendering people. It's ACTUALLY a criminal, fine-able offense now to call someone a he if they 'identify' as a she. That's some seriously twisted fascist propaganda that everyone has to suffer from for the sake of appeasing the few. NOTHING good is going to come out of this. "Progressiveness" has gone so far that we're now regressing back into the dark ages when offending the king could get your head cut off.
sharethe movie was made to appeal to nerds and bed-wettters
shareIt's just ok for me. Neither awful nor particularly great, it was entertaining but silly. However the proof is in the pudding and whether you like it or not it punched well above it's weight at the box office.
shareBox office does not make a great movie and there lies the rub; studios can make crappy movies that millennials will rush to see. Doesn't matter if the movie isn't great.
shareI went and saw it twice and I'm not a millennial, perhaps I'm part of the problem lol.
shareI am not saying all millennials have bad taste or that people in other generations have good taste, but movies are getting worse and the ones who go the most are millennials. They dictate what we get in the theaters. Television has become the place where quality lies while the movie theater is just a wasteland.
shareIt wasn't just millennials who rushed out to see this movie. We older people were interested too! There are many people who enjoyed the book.
I read the book when it first came out. I was a young adult at that time. I also watched the tv movie in 1990 when it first aired. I remember taping both nights on my machine so that I could watch it over again. For a tv movie, it wasn't too bad. It wasn't so great either.
Being a fan of the book, I was curious about this new version. I didn't think it was so stupid. My only complaint is that we have to wait so long for the second part to come out.
modica, I will agree with you about many of the new films that come out these days. I have seen some pretty forgettable movies over the past few years. These days I select my films more carefully. Do I like the subject matter? Who is starring in the film? Is this based on a book that I liked? Do the people who know me well recommend the film? That sort of thing...
As for the millenials, let them eat their cake too! What's it to you?
As for television, I disagree.
Yup, I'm over 40 and really enjoyed it.
shareI thought it was fun! I am looking forward to part 2. How about you?
shareSame, can't wait! I'm interested to see who gets cast as the adult versions of those kids. The first one was pretty successful so they should have some money to spend on part 2 as well.
shareThe cast should be interesting. I came here again this morning to see if anyone has found out about who will be in part 2.
shareMillennials are weird. They seem to love anything that isn't old. And I don't mean this is as insult, but they seem on the whole to be rather shallow people, so it makes sense that shallow films would resonate with them. Sometimes I watch an older film and think, "this film is smarter than me, I don't get it." Maybe they see a lot of old films in that context?