MovieChat Forums > Untitled Harry Potter Series Discussion > Should they change the story?

Should they change the story?

This series will surely generate a lot of hype in the beginning,but,in the long period,considering it has to last 7 seasons,it could become boring,because everyone already knows the plot,as both the books and the movies were very succesful. So,should they write a different version of the story,altough still with the same characters and the same general premise,to make people keep talking about the show trough the years? I think it would be a good decision.



Instead, they should tell it right, and not hack it to bits like the movie-makers did. Which will make it full of surprises, for the young adults who grew up on the movies!


They should surely develop more the things they cut from the movies,like the plot of Hermione fighting against slavery


Womp womp. The books are not perfect at all, because JK Rowling is a stupid writer. A good writer, but also stupid. Deal with it.


Are you fucking stupid, Crocodile?

Hell, I'm against the idea of this TV series altogether! READ THE FUCKING BOOKS, PEOPLE! USE YOUR IMAGINATION!!!!


But people who already did read the books and watched the movies,would not find it boring to watch the show for seven seasons?


I'd rather there not BE a TV show, as I said. I mean, WHY? READ THE FUCKING BOOKS, as I said!!




1) Yes, I think they probably should. As you say, the highly successful novels and films are out there already. This story has been told. Making significant changes to the material would be one way of making it interesting again.

2) I think there's next to zero chance of that happening.

I don't think Rowling would allow too much deviation. In the past, she's been quite precious about her material (which she has every right to be... but it's not a great understanding of how adaptation works).

And I don't think the audience for this wants that anyway. The people I see who are excited for a Harry Potter series are excited precisely because they think they'll be getting more of the books onto the screen than you can squeeze into the film versions.

And it's a major financial investment, which means they'll take no creative risks with it whatsoever.


You are probably right,they will just make some little changes,at least in the first few seasons. But who knows,maybe trough the seasons there will be bigger changes.


I suspect you're right that the series will ultimately fizzle out... because I think it might provide an object lesson to people that the art of screen adaptation lies in cutting, not expanding.

If you want what's in the novels, read the novels. This is a different medium.


Yes, I think they should move the story to America, the whole British thing seems kinda weird and out of place. A more diverse cast and exploring issues about gender, race, sexuality, etc. should also improve the adaptation.


Ok, you're joking, right?

You're clearly a desperate SJW.

No, nobody wants SJW garbage in this series.


I dont see the point of this show since we all know how every single story ends. This is not some book or Last of US thing where few people read the book and played game. We all saw the movies and know every detail. Them, making it longer and insert few "deleted scenes" will not change the fact that everyone knows the end and all major plots.

"12 monkeys" tv show was good and entertaining since they just got main idea and lead character from the movie but then created whole other universe with adding bunch of other characters. And that show ran for few seasons.

Same with Buffy.

But here only interesting thing they can do is to just take main character and Hogwarts but create new adventures for them. Ditch Voldemort and not have them obsessed over it and have them just "villain of the season".


If people got pissed at the changes the movies made, I doubt they’ll forgive any major changes in a tv series.

Instead, the show can change it up by adapting the 8th book as well, something many people haven’t read. If anything needs major changes, it’s Harry Potter 8. Adapt the book, and do it better, and people might have a reason to check the show out, provided the show is good and doesn’t over-do the race-changes and other “woke” stuff.


I don't know a single Harry Potter fan that wants that travesty of fanfiction developed into anything other than a pile of ash. You want to draw the Harry Potter fans in...not send them running for the hills.


I'm not going to watch it for the same reason I didn't want to watch the "His Dark Materials" series. The show will probably be on a far lower budget than the films, making everything look cheap and tacky; the characters will probably not look at all like their book versions (the movies did this to a degree, but not as bad as film studios do it in present day), and many will be race/gender/orientation-swapped to keep up ESG scores, the actors probably won't be as good, and the story probably will not be as faithful to the source material as they claim.


I think they can keep the core elements, and completely rewrite the adventures that transpire along the way. That will keep it true to the spirit of the work, but make it interesting for both hardcore fans and first-timers. What works in a book doesn't always work on the screen, so this is a chance to create something new from the source material.
