Final Straw

I wanted to see how the outcasts would deal with the others, but I didn't approve of their methods. Bulling sucks, but harming others because you feel bad cant happen, it's a cycle of pain for all. When that girl was being looked at all funny, is an outcast now and will be teased because of her disfigurement.

Most ppl cower after a gun or something is at them, I feel like the outcasts didn't win respect, just fear. Ppl used to say "Don't mess with her, those quiet ones will get you", I wasn't like that. I'm not on the 'popular' side, I'm not on the outcasts either.


They weren't out to win respect. They wanted revenge. Of course they're methods were "extreme", but when you make someone's day (or life) miserable, you never know what the response will be.

I have a keen idea: why not leave them alone in the first place. You never know how someone will react, and now they have permanent reminders. Hard lesson learned.

Bullies everywhere need to see this movie. It may make them think twice.
