MovieChat Forums > The Final (2011) Discussion > This movie should be banned for encourag...

This movie should be banned for encouraging Columbine like massacres

This movie encourage school massacres like Columbine and Virginia Tech and gives psychotic kids ideas
It should be banned and it's producers and actors prosecuted
There is no place for such vile material in society
Now of course liberals and other left wing loons will scream censorship but people with real moral values and integrity know that it's the right thing to do

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Or to paraphrase Chris Rock, how many violent movies was Ed Gein/John Wayne Gacy/Stalin/Pol Pot/Hitler/Mussolini, etc watching to inspire them.

Hate, violence, and psychoses are part of human nature. Movies and books don't inspire them, they have existed since time began. The Columbine douches were also bullied and unfortunately chose revenge 11 years before this was made. Columbine inspired it, not the other way around.


I was also made fun of in junior AND senior high school (buck teeth and big nose which was later repaired in high school) but I NEVER resorted to torturing my classmates which is what they did.


with a clear intention on taking the story to these places. I don't see the outcasts' actions as meant to be applauded or justified, but placed in the context of the choice they made. And the specific reason for it is for the audience to question what it means to make choices and those consequences. It's about how we treat each other as people, and the impact that the mindset of hate and revenge can have. The filmmakers left the reaction up to the viewer, but it is not like, say Hostel, where the revenge taken is made to seem justifiable.


I was also bullied or made fun of during pretty much my entire time in school and same as you, I would never do anything like what went on in the movie. I did fantasize about getting back at the bullies. I like this movie because it plays to my fantasies and because it's a movie, I know none of the people in the movie were actually hurt.




its a bit tiresome listening to everyone claim they were bullied, these days if you weren't the most popular kid at school, somehow you were bullied or an outcast, and if you were the most popular and pretty, somehow you were a geek or nerd in your mind.

In any case the columbine folks weren't bullied, they were freaks.

phoebe prince the recent suicide/bullying media hysteria princess wasn't bullied, she went around sleeping with everyones boyfriends.

the virginia tech boy was also not bullied, he was an outcast because he was an antisocial misfit

there is no point in banning trash. just another pop psychology revenge film based on the hysteria of the day.


What an idiot you are OP.



This movie was NOTHING like the Columbine Massacre and Virginia Tech. Do you even know those events or are you just typing ignorance at the keyboard?
It's JUST a movie. Movies create psychopaths? Yeah, and McDonalds makes you obese. How about people begin taking responsibility for their actions instead of blaming the irrelevant for their insanity?
Banning movies isn't going to stop psychopaths. If you don't like a certain type of movie, then DON'T WATCH IT. It's really that simple.


OP is a Troll.


This movie doesn't encourage anything. Did movies like Friday the 13th and Sleepaway Camp put an end to camping or summer camp in general? Did Halloween stop people from trick-r-treating? Did Psycho prevent anyone from checking into a motel? If you sat a violent and angry individual in front of a tv and played Disney movies all day would that make him or her happy, would it have an adverse effect afterwards? My money is on no.


It all comes down if you were one of the bullied or one of those who did the bullying.



There's just one problem with your entire post. From your last sentence it's clear that you're a conservative republican. Everyone knows you people don't know what you're talking about.



I'm not in favor of banning any type of film. You should be careful what you wish for though because once you start banning one type of film, others are sure to follow. Art should have total freedom (within the law, of course).

Conform or be cast out
