MovieChat Forums > The Final (2011) Discussion > This movie should be banned for encourag...

This movie should be banned for encouraging Columbine like massacres

This movie encourage school massacres like Columbine and Virginia Tech and gives psychotic kids ideas
It should be banned and it's producers and actors prosecuted
There is no place for such vile material in society
Now of course liberals and other left wing loons will scream censorship but people with real moral values and integrity know that it's the right thing to do

Sign here if you're with me


Well the SyFy channel is going to air it in about 2 weeks. So you'll need to build some support quickly.

I haven't seen it. I was surprised to see that SyFy is airing it, since it looks sorta like the really cheap torture-pornish Z-movies. I could be wrong, but I'm basing that on the trailer and a few reviews I've read.

Unintentionally, you have somewhat increased the chance I'll watch it, because now I want to see if you have a legitimate complaint.


IMO you missed the point if that is what you came away with after watching this film.
I found that it quite discouraged it!


um if some kid sees this movie and then decides to torture people then it's the kid who has the problem, not the movie

I cheated and I lied and I left the cap off the toothpaste!


That's rather subjective wouldn't you say? The message is rather double-entendre. I would say that those who are stressed and tormented are not exactly feeling fair or logical which is why massacres happen. Should it be banned? There's far worst things that get publiicized but I would say that two wrongs don't make a right and the sort of hazing and tormenting that goes on in schools should be looked at more vigorously if they don't want more incidents like Colombine/Virgina Tech happening. Times have changed so too should our views on society and how we treat one another.


You could say the same thing about any film, video game, novel, or comic book depicting violence in any way.

In other words, shut up.


LMFAO!! YES! Thank you for saying that. I began reading it and saying to myself "This has to be one of those right wingers" and low and behold, I read those Liberals and I just yelled out I knew it.

It's really funny they would have a problem with this movie considering they were sporting their favorite 2nd amendment remedy throughout the entire movie.
On top of that......they didn't kill anyone but themselves. Last I read Columbine killed without blinking an eye killing lots of people not involved making their lives miserable. They left Kurtis alone in the movie so how the hell does this promote Columbine. In my opinion they deserved EXACTLY what they got.

Sigh....I swear those idiots are so damn predictable.


So we ban this movie, once that is done, we move onto romantic comedies as they preach premarital sex. No need for video games in society, they pretty much train people to kill (and leap between cars). Then we go after books, with all their words from Science, there should only be one book left (us good people know what that is). Plus all those vial cable channels, we only need Fox News to inform us. Don't get my started on the internet, and Facebook! The only friend we need is God!

BTW, for those with no sense of humor, I am being sarcastic. :)


If you can't handle it, then you should ask yourself why. Do you feel guilty for something. I think those people got what they deserved. The media makes it look like the bullies are innocent victims, hurt without cause, and the bullied are crazy, but the bullies deserved everything they got.

The producers and actors are just the messenger for what is happening, and as you know, "don't shoot the messenger".

And what are "real moral values"? Only your own? Are mine fake?


The movie build sympathy for the outcasts and then has them respond in more violent way, which is more interesting than mere good guys/bad guys. By giving into their hate, especially Dane, they became what they hate, even worse, but upping the ante. So you understand how they got to a point where they act inhumanly. It's not as easy to say one group deserved what they got.


I don't know, I think all young people should watch this film to discourage bullying. These kinds of school massacres aren't just random. Perhaps if people treated each other with a little more respect and decency, we wouldn't see such massacres.


First of all, I'm not a far left liberal and my opinion has nothing to do with the anti-censorship, freedom of speech thing.

I think that this film encourages teens to really think about how devastating their actions can be. The teens in this film had already decided to kill themselves. They came up with the plan of (in a nutshell) "if we are going kill ourselves because we hate our lives anyway, why not punish the people who made our lives hell on the way out." The film didn't glamorize the lives or outcomes of the torturers at all. On the contrary, it showed what a dark place they were in and what a lonely death they suffered. It was the actions of the insensitive/cruel bullies that put them where they were. The message of the film isn't "you have the right to torture/kill people who pick on you," but rather to make people think about the impact of their actions.


(People also wanted to see King's novella Rage censored for similar reasons. But it, like this movie, was a well-written attempt to persuade people to think. It's hard for such stories to have the intended effect, however, if you refuse to try thinking to begin with.)

I'm glad most of the people who post here are thoughtful and articulate. Critical thinking trumps censorship. I agree with your points, jsbunnyhugger. I also agree with other posters that this movie (likewise Rage) could help people better understand why Columbine-like shootings take place. The victims typically don't start out psychotic - but their attackers can often drive them to become mentally unstable, just as the torturer can unbalance the PoW he's torturing. To continue blaming the victims of bullying for cracking and striking back is foolish because it does nothing to change the fundamental underlying causes of the problem: the repeated psychological traumas and the contexts that enable bullying in the first place. If we insist on continuing to turn a blind eye to the disease because we can only focus on the symptoms, then this kind of revenge-violence will continue to happen.

When Jack executed Emily, and to a lesser extent when Jack shot himself, I felt sad but also felt a sense of rightness: the scene was poignant but also seemed to be an appropriate end for the characters: a release from their pain. There was a certain element of catharsis, perhaps.

The reporter at the end says that the students attacked their fellow students "without cause." I thought that was an ironic line, designed to get the audience thinking about how there were such obvious causes but also about how, tellingly, the pretty-girl reporter was oblivious to them - as is most of the viewing public.



*Clean* food, please.


that makes about as much sense as banning movies with
explosions or destruction since it may make us relive 9/11


Did you ever think that a movie like this could stop Columbine like massacres? Maybe it could teach bullies not to torture other kids because then they could seek revenge.
