Iron Man 3 got a 79%...

And Iron Man 2 got a 72%.

And this got a 26%.

Something is foul in the state of Rotten Tomatoes.

(Shakespeare reference, good right)

This movie had its issues, but a 26% is crazy.

And yes I loved the first Iron Man, but the sequels were God awful.

I'm embarrassed I paid money for the third one.

Spoilers and all but they build up Ben Kinglsey as the villain
and instead he is a drunken actor doing a silly accent.
That might have seemed funny when they were writing it, but in my theater that bit completely died.

I think I heard crickets.

And the villain is Guy Pierce who hates Iron Man because Iron Man said he would meet him after a party and then didn't. That's why he became evil, really.

And yet it still got a 79%.

Somebody is getting paid off.

Sadly Warner Bros dosen't have the kind of money, Disney does.

i told you not to stop the boat. Now lets go. Apocalypse Now


Guy Pierce didn't become evil. He became capitalistic.

And I think you're theaters resection to Trevor was...unique, let's say.

I Don't Hate Suicide Squad


I don't know about getting paid off, but I agree with your sentiment. How badly the 3 DCEU movies have been reviewed doesn't really makes sense. They're treating them like an Adam Sandler movie, a Paul Bart movie, or Battleship, which is not the case at all. I love X-Men (mainly the 90's cartoon) but all of those movies are easily worse than the DCEU ones besides maybe First Class and X2 - the latter still hasn't aged that great.

I think it's more people being biased and sheep than someone getting paid off. This year's crappy election shows how easily people are fooled and fall into group-think with these two awful nominees.

I never saved anything for the swim back.


Or maybe people just disagree with you on the quality of those films. I'm not the biggest fan of the X movies, but with the exception of Origins I think they all easily outclass BvS and SS.

I Don't Hate Suicide Squad


Exactly. Now I'll admit the climax of this film is weak. But I loved the rest of it. The music, the action, all of it. I though Margot and Jared and Will and Jai brought a lot of charisma to the characters. I had a lot of fun with this movie and I can't wait to see more. But a 26% that's crazy. Especially, has I pointed out, that Iron Man 3 has a score in the 70s. That movie is terrible. I love the first Iron Man, don't get me wrong. It was a little generic, but a fun super hero movie. But the sequels, just got worse and worse. And the critics gave them a pass. But the DC movies they can't hate them enough. I don't get it. Maybe it's a herd mentality kind of thing. Man of Steel, that movie wasn't very good, no question. But now the critic are all just hating on all the DC movies cause it's the popular thing to do. And so many Marvel fans are jumping on the band wagon. It's not right.
i told you not to stop the boat. Now lets go. Apocaylpse Now


Or maybe, again, people just disagree with you on its quality and that's the sole reason for its criticism.

Why is this a hard concept to grasp?

I Don't Hate Suicide Squad


it's the paradox of our society.

Pretty sums up the haters



Damn straight. That movie was abysmal. The plot was garbage.
i told you not to stop the boat. Now lets go. Apocaylpse Now


Meh, I think it's the best of the 3 films.

I Don't Hate Suicide Squad


I would take you even a little seriously if I hadn't spent the last couple of minutes looking at what you've rated some movies.

The DCEU is right up your alley, puddin'. Just stay away from the rest of cinema, okay?


You gave "Honey I shrunk the kids" an 8. And Harley calls Joker, puddin. You stole that from Suicide Squad.
i told you not to stop the boat. Now lets go. Apocaylpse Now


Don't you mean he stole that from the Animated Series?

I Don't Hate Suicide Squad


Oh yeah...i guess that's true to.

i told you not to stop the boat. Now lets go. Apocaylpse Now




You mean the site that complies reviews and averages them? You're an idiot


*beep* u.

i told you not to stop the boat. Now lets go. Apocaylpse Now



MoS, BvS, SS = 

Uh oh spaghettios - Zack Snyder, David Ayer, Bryan Singer (2016)


What could be foul at Rotten Tomatoes? They're just the messenger. Might as well consider you foul for reporting the 26% that they reported.

Porch Monkey 4 Life


One of these days i'll have to actually watch iron Man 3.

Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?
~Groucho Marx


don't watch it, its SOOOOOOO bad.

i told you not to stop the boat. Now lets go. Apocaylpse Now
