This movie proved the left and right are both equally hypocritical
The movie has a gay protagonist. You'd think the left would love it, and the right would hate it. But because it portrays obesity as unhealthy, it's the complete opposite.
shareThe movie has a gay protagonist. You'd think the left would love it, and the right would hate it. But because it portrays obesity as unhealthy, it's the complete opposite.
shareWe didn't need this movie to know that.
shareHow does this even remotely "prove" that the right is as hypocritical as the left? Hypocrisy is a staple trademark of the left. If anything it just further cements the hypocrisy of the left.
shareI'll repeat what I said earlier, I don't know how else to explain it.
The movie has a gay protagonist. You'd think the left would love it, and the right would hate it. But because it portrays obesity as unhealthy, it's the complete opposite.
So basically, the portrayal of obesity is causing the left and right to both have the complete opposite view of the movie they would have otherwise.
Why would the right hate on a gay character? People on the right dont hate gays by default. But when established straight white characters is re-cast as gay/trans/genderfreak/colored etc in remakes, you'll get reactions sure enough. When source material is meddled with to suit a leftist agenda.
shareI'm not talking about all right wingers, but there's no way to deny lots do hate gay people simply for being gay, just like lots of left wingers hate straight people. There are examples of right wingers hating gay characters simply for being gay, when they don't meddle with source material. Lightyear is an example. The same applies to characters of those other demographics you mentioned.
shareThere's plenty of right wing folk on this site who just get mad when a new character is gay too. Knock at the cabin was hit with that. It's based on a book, whose protagonists ARE gay. But a couple of ppl were still hating on it nevertheless.
No one was recast or reinvented, but unfortunately, it still incited a few prejudices nevertheless.
your premise is wrong, the left has a really strange grip on things, but thats about control.
i mean i'm anti-mandates, but according to the left i'm "anti-vaccines"
i'm anti drag queens dancing infront of children, according to the left i'm a transphobe.
i'm anti teaching things about gays to 4 year olds according to the left i'm a homophone
you get what i'm saying? the left isn't the left the of JFK, it's a backward ideology that promotes stupidity, i mean in what world would it be intelligent to promote people being fat as anything positive!? but i suppose if you want to create a society completely dumbed down and dependent on the state, then yeah...
You could make similar arguments about the right. Like if someone gets vaccinated, the right calls them sheep.
This isn't the main point, but I don't see what's wrong with children attending non-sexual drag shows. And I don't see what's wrong with teaching children about gay people, as long as you don't teach them about sex acts. If you call me a pedophile supporter or whatever, you're proving my point about both sides being the same.
but no, it's not the same thing, calling me "anti-vax" because i don't want someone to force me to take something i don't want to his wrong.
calling you a groomer because you want drag queens acting sexual with kids isn't the same.
the fact you have a user name like you do suggests the sexualization of everything. i suppose there is some niece or nephew of yours out there who very soon will have to show someone on a doll what you did.
Obviously it's not literally the same thing, but it's similar. They're both calling someone a name because of their personal choice.
And I specifically said it's only OK if the drag show is non-sexual.
theres an interview with a "top" drag queen who says, the whole point of drag queens is sexual entertainment, you're doing something very very wrong, where you want to do something thats morally wrong and should be illegal, but when someone calls you out for it, you say "well you complain when people say you're..."
you can't do that, i thought the left was "my body my choice" or is that only with abortion? so no, calling out hypocrisy there, doesn't make me the same when i say people who want to have kids in blatent sexually situations are pedophiles.
kids should be playing sports, knocking on doors and running away, collecting baseball cards, playing with dolls, they shouldn't watch men dressed as women doing sexual things, and theres no such thing as a non sexual drag act.
if you believe it's ok, then yes, i think you're a pedophile, like i say your username suggests something.
"calling someone a name because of their person choice"
hahahahahahahaha i'm sure you'd be offended if i called jeffery dahmer a "serial killer"
that too was a choice!!
Whoever said that about drag doesn't make the rules. There are no rules. Drag is simply dressing up as the opposite sex. There are many different forms.
There are many drag shows where they don't wear revealing clothes, and don't do anything sexual. I don't see how that's different from dressing up as animals.
It's possible the performers are pedophiles, but there's no way of knowing, and anyone could be a pedophile. The only way to fully protect children is to never let them leave their house, that doesn't mean it's worth it.
And in regard to "calling someone a name because of their person choice", I was referring to the vaccines issue. Everyone should be able to accept or reject the vaccine without being called a sheep or an anti-vaxer.
What does "my body my choice" have to do with it? I am against vaccine mandates, if that's what you were accusing me of.
wrong, thats like saying "porn? theres no rules, porn is simply 2 or more people together, there are many different forms, nobody makes the rules"
a simple look around google and youtube and how the parents have been going crazy will show you exactly what is going down at these events, and theres nothing innocent about it!!.
you have a very flawed logic, people are doing evil pedophilic things near children, it's obvious, theres proof. to say "thats not my interpretation of it" is silly.
if drag queens and their very explicit type of humor and shows are normal and family friendly like you say, why hasn't it always been acceptable? the push for these things seems to be happening at the same time that theres a push for other very very similar stuff.
the left are devious in what they do, they do evil things and tell you that you can't believe what your own eyes see, that it's some kind of "conspiracy"
The definition of pornography is "printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity, intended to stimulate sexual excitement."
The definition of drag is "clothing more conventionally worn by the other sex, especially exaggeratedly feminine clothing, makeup, and hair adopted by a man."
Porn is always inherently sexual by definition, drag isn't.
I agree there are some drag events that kids shouldn’t attend, and attend anyway. But there are also many that are completely non-sexual.
There are many things that used to be regarded as unacceptable, but now aren’t. Interracial marriage for example. Society’s values simply change over time.
The drag shows are so sexual, that it's made a group of gay people form "gays against groomers" to stand up and distant themselves from something thats very very wrong.
Your last sentence pretty much explains everything, everything has limits. to simply say "well things change, values change..." so at what point does that have limits?
The same ones pushing these drag shows for kids and the same ones calling pedophiles "minor attracted persons" and with what end game? and they are same ones saying you can identify as a cat and are chopping off 13 year old girls breasts if she had a tomboy day. again with what end game?
you simply can't say "well times change" i get the feeling with someone like you that the end game and most important thing is "tolerance", but if you're tolerant of everything, then your tolerance has no value. there has to be some line in the sand, some kind of morality in our society. right?
There are also Jewish Nazis. I'm not saying it's the same, I'm just saying the "gays against groomers" thing doesn't prove your point.
Obviously some things will always be unacceptable, but values really can change. If society's values never changed, the world would be a terrible place.
There's no specific end game I want. I simply think people should be allowed to do whatever they want, as long as it doesn't harm anyone. There definitely should be some kind of morality in our society, but part of that is the freedom to do whatever you want if it doesn't harm anyone.
I agree calling pedophiles "minor attracted persons" is ridiculous, and so is the idea that you can identify as a cat. And I agree 13 is way too young to have your breasts cut off.
wow, so you're comparing jews who decided to turn on their own people and fight for the nazis, and in doing so helped with the killing of their own people, 6 million of them, with a group of gay people on social media who believe that the sexualization of kids is evil?
reported, and reported clearly stating that you're pushing pedophilic behavour.
I said it's not the same. I just used it as an example to show that someone calling out someone from their own demographic doesn't automatically make them right.
I agree the sexualization of kids is evil. I'm saying not all drag shows do that.
Aren't you right wingers supposed to be pro freedom of speech? Yet another example of hypocrisy. You're only pro freedom of speech when it's speech you agree with.
I think politics really don't matter if a character is written well. I vote right wing. The problem with most entertainment today's is the check the boxes approach to create movies, shows, and video games. They even use this to recreate already established characters and its cringey. It should be about story, plot, and character. Their gender, sexuality, race, and politics shouldn't take the forefront in deference to the actual story.
shareI agree, but many movies are attacked by the right simply for having gay character. Look at Lightyear for example. The right was furious about it, simply because it had a very brief lesbian kiss. The same applies to race and gender.
shareWhat the hell kind of twisted logic is that? Where in the whole wide world is obesity promoted as healthy? Fat shaming is frowned upon for good reason, but that’s not what this movie was about at all.
To summarize your thesis, because Charlie is gay AND morbidly obese, the left hates it and the right loves it.