MovieChat Forums > And Just Like That... (2021) Discussion > Soooo depressing - semi-spoiler

Soooo depressing - semi-spoiler

Seriously, like the last two years haven't been depressing enough? They had to take a mostly fun, light-hearted sitcom and kill off one of the main characters in a tragic way in the first episode??? I mean yeah, they're older and we all have to go some time, but still...


Sorry but Kim Cattrall was adamant about not coming back


I'm guessing you didn't actually watch it.


I didnt watch it. Did she come back in a cameo as a corpse? Everything I had read previously indicated she was tired of it.


Oh, she is not part of the show, but it wasn't her funeral.



It's not a sit-com. It's an exploration of real issues women in their (now 50's) face in life. How they get through these challenges may very well be inspiration that helps you someday get through the challenges YOU may face in life. That's a bit more powerful than a sit-com, no?


Not really. It’s a sit-com, just an HBO one so it has less restrictions on content and language.


Really? There is humor in these shows. However, watch episode one again....and tell us you’d categorize it as....a “sitcom”.

Golden Girls is a sitcom. Married with Children...a sitcom. This is more evolved than that. Just because there’s humor in it, doesn’t make it a sitcom. That kinda cheapens it.


All sit-coms have poignant moments. Frasier, Cheers, Golden Girls, Friends all did. SATC is from a different era than the sit-coms you listed, it has a bigger budget and is not locked down on a studio soundstage, but it is still at its center a comedy situated around the lives four urban friends.


I'd call this a romance dramedy. Not a sit-com at all.


Well, whatever you want to call it, sitcom, dramedy, or whatever, the first episode was extremely depressing and the whole series is going in a much darker direction than ever previously. Like Miranda is suddenly an alcoholic now too?


And she's a lesbian and Steve is deaf. No Kim Cattrall. Big is dead. Charlotte's daughter doesn't want to be a girl...
Life is tough, things change but I'd rather consider last episode of season 6 the end.


Just read the actor who plays Steve has hearing loss so guess they wrote that in. Even given that, the Steve character is written as a ridiculous shadow of its former self in this series. Steve used to be a nice guy but had some flaws. He cheated on Miranda once and stood his ground in their previous fights. If they really wanted to split this couple up, they should have made Steve unfaithful too. Miranda looks selfish and heartless dumping this feeble, sweet little old man Steve for a midlife crisis affair with a stand up comedian.


Yeah they’re 55yo women as written by children. They look and act like they’re in their late 70s.

They’re all buffoons now. Like they’ve been asleep for 20 years and have no clue how to interact in the current SJW world.

The writing is so amateur in this it’s astonishing any of them agreed to be in it.


That’s the problem. They’re so proud of the fact that they have a writer’s room full of young, hip, woke and “represented” individuals....that they can’t realize these writers can’t write for characters in their 50’s.

They are single-handedly dismantling everything we’ve liked about less than one season. Erasing the good will that had been built up over 25 years.

Get the old writers back, pronto!


I think you sum it up perfectly.


Makes me relieved I stopped when the original series ended.
