A rip-off from 'The Castle of Purity'
"Lanthimos never gave credits on this one, and when journalists asked him whether he was even inspired from the Mexican movie, he didn't give an answer, only got him annoyed. Someone would say it's pure coincidence... But now the story from his second movie is the same thing that's written on a recent book, called "Parabola" by Konstantinos Tzamiotis, and of course, the guy's acting as if it's his own thing. Weird."
-wittr at SC
(I didn't write that because my English isn't that good.)
So I think that if you wan't to see this movie you need to watch The Castle of Purity first and then make your own opinion, I watched both films and I have to say that the director of dogtooth is a complete thief, at least he should admit the original inspiration. So I laugh at all of you reviewers who think that this is a "masterpiece".
Vérgame Dios.