..from being a very ordinary film. I was not all that impressed for the most part until the very nice ending. Amber Heard is so beautiful, it kind of didn't matter I wasn't digging it that much. But wow, it comes together at the end.
The ending ruined it if you ask me. Very cliché, I'm afraid. I expected more.
Made it feel extremely pointless, too. And it brings up issues; why would we actually SEE people get killed when she isn't even aware of it? A twist, I think, is meant to MAKE SENSE. It doesn't tie in with the rest of the movie well. Makes the first twist plain weird, also. It was too elaborate to just scrap for something else. I kind of feel like they thought they were really clever, fooling us with an overdone revenge twist and then, in theory, cawk-slapping us in the face with something wholly original and unexpected. The revelation seriously made me cringe and go "God, not THAT". Seriously, it's been done in a John Cusack movie, for Christ's sake! And don't get me started on that final, rushed jump scare. Felt like a cartoon. Kind of feels like they worked on the plot backwards or something, without aiming for a goal.
This has been done a lot before, and a lot BETTER.
All in all, a very, very mediocre and unoriginal movie. One of those films I wish I didn't waste time on. That doesn't happen a lot.
I agree that the ending ruined what was good about the movie but I'm not upset that I wasted time on it. It was a good return to form for Carpenter until the multiple personality crap that's been played out way too many times lately. I'm disappointed but not upset. This actually gives me hope for whatever Carpenter does next. Hopefully he'll find better screenwriters next time.
"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."
I agree the direction and style is what makes this movie. I don't say it's a great movie but it's the journey of it all that makes it decent. Has anyone noticed that ONE of the girls kind of looked like "Sybil"? Big clue ringer for what the whole "Twist ending" was LOL. So this movie is Sybil meets Suspiria.
I agree that the ending made up to some extent for the rest of it. Most of the way through I was thinking what a load of nonsense it was. It was obvious that Kirsten was going to be something to do with what was going but I didn't figure out exactly what. I was annoyed at myself at the end for not working it out.
I also agree with others that it was very Shutter Island. The acting was pretty poor though, although I have to say the girls were eye candy. I don't think i would have made it to the end otherwise.
I kind of liked the final jump scare, in theory --- it was an inversion of the typical mirror scare used far too often in horror movies. Instead of there being something behind her when she closed the medicine cabinet, it was IN the medicine cabinet.
The twist end would have been more of a surprise if I had not seen 'Identity' (2003, starring John Cuzack). This movie had already used the same twist, but far more effectively.
You can't palm off a second-rater on me. You gotta remember I was in the pink!