MovieChat Forums > The Cold Light of Day (2012) Discussion > Certainly better than its 4.9 rating

Certainly better than its 4.9 rating

It's a decent throwaway summer thriller. Certainly more credible than "Dark Knight" fanboys seem to like with all its ridiculous nonsense in NY or the self-same drivel in Avengers. I wasn't fond of the ending, but it definitely held my interest through the theme. I doubt anyone went in looking for a Bourne Identity caliber movie.



Yeah, it pretty much deserves its 4.9 rating in my opinion. Besides Bruce Willis, most of the movie just sucked. If Willis was the main star, I'm sure I would have enjoyed it more.

It's just a typical action film that we've seen 100s of times before. The ending was extremely corny too. Sigourney Weaver was also pretty lame in this.


painful to watch indeed.. what a mess

Signature must be fewer than 100 characters in length


Loved the movie. Way more than 4.9 , I gave a high rate. People judge movies always comparing to great pieces like Thin Red Line, or The Artist or whatever. This is one to entertain and let it go, this is not to think in the end about this and that. Of course I can compare to Bourne etc and this one is way under it. I love this european movies, with Luc Besson chaces over the cities. it pisses me of that it's always in Spain , France etc..when will people in US film entirely in Portugal??

Allways do it with an Architect


I'm glad you loved it. I gave it a five so 4.9 seems right on.

This film has serious problems in logic, story and elsewhere.

[spoilers]He dumps his gun in a trash can somewhere in Madrid, not right next to the embassy. Then Carrack takes him for a ride and when he flees, he's within blocks of that specific trash can and the gun is still there. Alright, they don't empty public trash cans that often, but right there, within two blocks of where he flees her car?

Cauterizing a bullet wound with a super-heated spoon? That's quite a stretch.

No one sees the only sailboat anchored off a beach sailing away after it's taken over by people who come up on it on fast boats, while people are swimming from the beach?

Israeli secret agents corrupting the entire police force of a small community in Spain? Maybe, maybe not. I'll give that one.

No broken bones in the fall he took from that roof using that cable? He's not Superman in this.

Carrack is a graduate of the CIA's training program. She's trained in evasive driving at high speeds. He's some business owner, but he manages to evade her and then pursue her?

Carrack is running an op from the embassy with the help of at least two henchmen and no one but Tom/Martin is aware of what she's doing? Possible, but hard to swallow.

Those are just the first few that come to mind. There were a lot more. [/spoilers]

In my mind, it was a 5. In your mind higher. That you find it better is certainly fair. But it isn't a certainty that the overall public opinion should match yours.

Jules Winnfield: "I'm sorry, did I break your concentration?"


Horrible, horrible movie! It baffles me how a screenplay like this went into production.


That's because there was too many cooks in the kitchen.


After thirty minutes of watching this piece of you-know-what, I started reading the news on my Ipad.

The film has zero entertainment value. Were you entertained by the run-of-the-mill chase scenes? Were the totally one-note characters interesting? Why would you care if the protagonist's family died? Of course not, since none of these disposable stereotypes had any character in them, and there's no reason to care for their fate. The cast seemed bored playing their characters.

I gave it two stars.


Very spooky, this is EXACTLY what I did at about the same time!

Completely agree with your comments too. I really enjoyed the first 30 minutes or so, it then descended into an endless string of pointless fight and chase scenes. The characters heal from dreadful wounds in minutes, no one can hit a target from point-blank range...


this movie is overrated , it deserve below 3,5


There was some shoddy screenwriting scattered throughout the movie, but the locales and the actors along with some well executed sequences made up for that and the rather banal storyline, which to it's credit had enough twists to keep you interested throughout. I gave it a 6. 4.9 is pretty low.


I believe 4.9 is the average. That includes all the studio shills that pump up the rating.

My opinion? How the hell did this movie get made at all? It deserves far less than 4.9. Maybe 2 at best.


I agree OP I just saw it and definitely thought it was better then 4.9, it was a film just to watch when nothing else is on and it kept me entertained so it did its job, I mean its not a movie you could watch more then once and maybe my bias for Henry made me like it more but im glad I can form my own opinion

Kill them all, Let God sort em out



In our review I gave it a 5 just to be nice but this film was hard to get through. The acting was bad the plot was ridiculous and the whole thing was just dull and lifeless! Scares me for Superman.
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^ lol yea because Superman definitely has the same director, producer, and writers lol that's like saying Forrest Whitaker is a bad actor because he was in Battlfield earth

Kill them all, Let God sort em out


No, no I see what your saying... I didnt mean the movie. I think Man of Steel is gonna be awesome based on who is attached to it and the trailer. I just mean Cavill as Superman. So far I'm not impressed.
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