Hot black girl with hideously overweight white guy
Not believable at all.
shareOh, that's Hollywood for you, they think it's correct to pair the extremely unattractive guy with a girl who's a 9 by their twisted standards, instead of the blonde-with-plastic-surgery 10 granted to the hero. Who's a 5-7 himself.
shareWhat does race have to do with anything?
shareBecause the directors/writers tend to be dorky white guys projecting their fantasies.
shareWhat does race have to do with anything?
nobody brought race into it until you kicked off an argument about race.
Hot black girl with hideously overweight white guy
is just a way of identigying the couple in question.
It could just have easily been "girl with red coat on"
I bet if someone make a post similar to his one in "Hooking up" 2020 saying "Hot white girl with hideously overweight black guy" that post will be full of coments from whining bitches like yourself crying about racism and white fragility and fat shaming and other stupid shit