Worth watching?

I skipped it because I'm burned out on Star Wars shit. Obi-Wan was the last straw.


Depends. Did you watch or enjoy the animated series Star Wars Rebels? If not, just skip it.

This show is basically just a continuation of Rebels. On its own, it's just "meh". In my opinion, of course.


I have only seen the movies and the D+ live action series.


Honestly, you'd be better off just looking for a recap video on YouTube.


i liked it , and thought i wouldn't it , give it a try


It was terrible


No, definitely not worth watching. I recommend Peter Weir’s “The Wave” instead. And if you can’t find that (since streaming sucks), just do what I do and watch “Lorenzo’s Oil” for the 8,000th time.


It's worth watching if you are a paid shill and you can get paid to come on here and make a long, overpunctuated, overexcited fake ass post about how it's "so great!"

Otherwise your time would be better spent watching something Japanese or Korean these days.
