What the hell?

Why do this?


Overrated gimmicky movie, nothing to see.


This one doesn't have the gimmick. It's in order.




Why would they remake this?


It's not really a remake, just a different edit of the original.


Ohh! That might be worth seeing.


if i'm grokking this properly, this is just the original film re-edited so it runs 'beginning to end,' no?

i'm intrigued enough to want to see it at least once. similar to the way i watched the chronological version of memento once. it won't replace the original, but it's cool to have the option as an admirer of the film.


Yes, beginning to end. But that goes against the title of the film itself.


fair point, but it's still something i'm curious to see as a fan of the original recipe. if nothing else, it's a chance to see a film i like a lot in a different way.


I bought the Australian Blu-Ray a few years back.......and (as far as I'm aware?) this is just a chronicalised version of the movie. It's neither much a special feature nor revelatory......as anyone with the either the dvd/blu-ray release (and a semi decent programable player) can play the movie in this way (i.e, backwards.....via chapters)
Despite the fact, it goes (completely) against the entire 'ethos' of the movie (as intended) thus devaluing the movie as a whole?


Like you bought the movie for the "movie". You just bought it to jack off for 9 mins.


It's one thing for you to attempt to impose your opinions upon me, but another to dictate my own.
I bought the movie *for* the movie (because of it's chronological structure) not for it's physical nor sexual violence.
Noe does a pretty good job of alienating it's audience (with it's initial 'shaky-cam') but as the movie progresses (or digresses) the opening 'disorientation' makes sense. Without this timeframe, the movie fails by default (and becomes a French Death Wish VI)

BTW, I have NEVER masturbated to this movie (regardless of what order it's scenes are exhibited in)

Given your username..........I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It.


There's no shame if you were to masturbate to this "film".


I'd just prefer Bellucci to be 'willing' (that's my 'perversion' I guess?)


That's what confuses me about this. The movie is called Irreversible and moves the story backwards to slowly reveal details. All of that will be gone playing it the other way around.


Yes, it confuses me why you'd want to see it this way.
