He observed that people will accept anything as real if they are told so.
I watched in amusement and just found out today that it had been staged (reading his tag on
tressugar.com, not important) & then this thread was on the main film page on IMDB, so I'm here.
Anyway, like fat-bobo had said, was it worth it - for half-a-mil? The Wikipedia page addresses the topic of the thread, in several places, with Joaquin apparently "breaking character" after Letterman and how "the fact that the events of the film had been deliberately staged was not disclosed until after the film had been released".
However, if you put everything aside -and I've yet to see the film- when I read about defecation in the picture.. How, then, ANY and ALL of the people involved in this "project" (?) would want us to think that they were just living the life, having fun and enjoying - whatever they were doing.
This "dimension", this post-modern Hollywood (?) aspect - how I call it, because many new(er) movies and films juggle such ideas as something funny and entertaining to watch (while it's the exact opposite), is so, so unneeded and so far away from what they might've been trying to achieve; just this one thing makes it so alien (for the lack of word) and not to mention utterly disgusting (yes I've read how it was done, whatever).
Just this one thing, of course coupled with everything else, makes it a complete failure in my mind. Self-criticism, or WHATEVER they meant by it (like I care, after-the-fact), total fail. Real, or fake, these guys just fell into the same category as Harold and Kumar with their **** on the pole and that's just terrible. :-/
Whoa I really went off-topic there, wth was I even tryin' to say.