MovieChat Forums > Passengers (2016) Discussion > Highly Potential story but poor executio...

Highly Potential story but poor execution and acting

actually this movie had so much potential to be a great one but bad screen play made it lost. Both main characters especially JL's acting was horrible. I can't consequent the situation of some scene of the movie with her acting in it. She just passing through with her hotness. Believe it or not everytime i saw patt in this sci-fi, i was remembering his star-lord character and laughed on my own. Some funny scene made it worth reminder. Classification of passengers by providing foods is make me sad. even that kind of discrimination barely exist today's world. how human race can be a great interstellar nation without compromise the tiny bit of classification in their society?!
I like this movie overall. i think it will be a great ending if the starship crew also discover a young one hibernating in the autodoc capsule. Aurora-pet can't reach the homeinstead but their "combination" can.


I thought the acting was great. Execution pretty good. The scene with that reactor was a little cheesy. It just had plot holes and was too dark at times.


I actually really like this movie, despite its many flaws. But for sure the biggest problem is the wasted potential of the story. This movie could have gone in a hundred different directions, all of them brilliant, and instead it was just... this. And yeah, big miscast for me with Pratt. Who I love. But all I could think was Starlord. Took me out of it. And if they were gonna make the movie the way they did, they could have elevated the story simply by gender swapping the roles.


I have bigger problems with JLaw. Ever since The Fappening she's just Cum Face to me. And I didn't think she's that great of an actress to begin with.


ha. well, that's actually what finally got me liking her.


She's prolly a pretty fun person and I don't judge her for the pictures or activities depicted. I just can't shake the image of her face covered in the white stuff. Still think of her as a pretty face and great body. But unlike Megan Fox she can act. Maybe she is worthy of her Oscar but in I haven't seen that talent in those of her films I've seen.


fyi..........that pic was a fake


Of course it was.


You right about that.
