Aurora attacking Jim

You would never have a scene like this with the roles reversed.. why is it ok to show a woman beating her boyfriend up (even though I think we can understand why she was angry).


lol indeed, imagine if the scene showed Jim going to Aurora's bed and started punching her, for her waking up his pod early, and then he picked up a crowbar ready to wack her... yeah, that wouldn't work at all.

Many things in life do not work with the roles reversed. We always hear about female teachers banging their underage students and getting off with 90 day prison sentences. Imagine a male teacher banging an underage student... jail for life.


I agree.. if it's a female teacher with a male pupil, people almost seem to congratulate the boy but that doesn't happen the other way round. I can understand her feeling angry and as though she had been robbed of her life but the scene just made me question whether they would have done that if the roles were reversed.


That's a scourging.


I was gonna roll my eyes, and still want to, but you do have a point it would be unacceptable for the gender roles to be reversed for that scene.


Imagine if it was a child and adult. A child beating and kicking an adult vs an adult beating and kicking a child - role reversal huh?


Society accepts it cuz we know women have temper tantrums and can't do much damage anyway unless with a weapon.


Also, if the roles were reversed, a woman waking a man from hibernation wouldn't be shocking or selfish.

It would be perceived as normal or even cute.


Agreed and very true, and the man would likely be able to forgive her 100 times faster than Aurora did.


I keep seeing a lot of role reversal questions for this movie. The answer is that it's not ok to show a woman doing this as it was not ok to show a man waking up a woman for companionship. But it presents an interesting conflict and for much of the movie I thought it did quite a good job. Just the ending kinda muffs the whole thing.

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