Not sure how I felt about this one...
Yeah, another Ted Bundy movie. I gave it a shot because it's based on the interviewer that ended up leading the FBI profiler group.
It's basically the two men in a room over a few years. You get into Ted's head and he gets into Hagmaier (the profiler). From that perspective it's an interesting character study.
Maybe that's the problem... to me Bundy isn't a character but a serial killer. I almost felt like they were trying to humanize him. Bundy was a cold-blooded murderer, yet I couldn't help but feel like this was in some way sympathizing with him? I can't put a finger on it. I'm wondering if anyone else had this feeling.
Anyway, it's always great seeing Wood again and he does well with his role. Weird seeing him playing a middle-aged man sometimes. I still think of him from movies like North and Deep Impact. The guy who played Ted looked and acted a lot like him. Great casting there.