More chaos on gotham streets, more dirt and trash and some more crazy ness, city need to look more in trouble but it always show streets clean and empty
You cannot deny this point so please all agree in this thread and we can move on
We saw plenty of that, were you even paying attention?
Then the citizens realized that this wasn't going to be the paradise that Bane promised them, Gotham was actually being ruled with an iron fist so they all went inside to hide.
Doesnt matter, you cannot control all people, they would be crazy. They would throw rubbish in streets and people would do things like start fires.
Also, dog would roam around and fight, stuff like that. Where is dog?
If you have to believe everyone would stay inside and cause no trouble then ok, if that help you enjoy film, fine. but showing more chaos would be better.
Bane wasn't about chaos though he was about order, he said he was about chaos but that was just to give the people of Gotham false hope that things wouldn't be so bad under his rule when he really intended to rule Gotham with an iron fist. Bane's army and the "people of Gotham" had automatic weapons, I wouldn't go out in the street if that were the case. And they probably had to kill a bunch of people at some point and that scared everyone else to stay indoors.
Um I never got that impression especially when at the end we see people come out of their houses, and I also never got the impression that they were sitting in their homes in peace, they were fearing for their lives.
I wish Heath Ledger had lived, then it would have been fun to see the chaos of the makeshift courtroom scene with Scarecrow, Joker, and Bane passing judgment on the rich of Gotham.
There is no way to know if Nolan would have brought Ledger back, when Ledger died there were no plans to make a 3rd film. Personally I think having all 3 of those iconic villains in the same film would have been a bit much and it would have jumbled the story and if Ledger just had a cameo fans would have been up in arms about it.
I wanted a scene where Joker says to Bane “Look what I did to this city with a few drums of gas and a couple of bullets. How much planning and money did your pathetic scheme require?” lol
While I still consider it good...for me everytime I watch it I like it less...
The ending of course is still The Worst part for me.
The ending didnt make sense when it came out and still doesnt...
I swear if any other director made this movie except Nolan...The ending of this film would be hated and MOCKED...
with that being said...IMO Its still near a top 10 CBM of all time....and a worthy end to either the 1st or 2nd greatest CBM trilogy of all time....
I've currently got the Cap Trilogy ahead of TDK Trilogy...but Its close and I recognize The Majority sees TDK trilogy as the best CBM of all time...I did to until recently
but now, for Me the Cap trilogy is slightly ahead.
What was so bad about the ending? How doesn't it make sense?
Also I must ask how it aged? Honestly cinematography wise it is top notch. Great music and most stuff was done practically with very little use of cgi or green screen. That holds up far better than a lot of stuff in the comic book movie genre. In particular I feel avengers has aged a lot more than this has.
I like the avengers but since there was so much cgi and green screen it already doesn't hold up that great. Practical always holds up better than cgi.