MovieChat Forums > The Dark Knight Rises (2012) Discussion > What is the stupidest complaint you have...

What is the stupidest complaint you have ever heard about this movie?

Honestly there are so many moronic, idiotic, bitchy nit picks about TDKR but I have compiled a list:

- Alfred would never leave Bruce (yet it also happened in the comics)
- Bruce moped around for 8 years (actually it was only 4 years)
- Bruce quit because of Rachel (uh no he didn't)
- Why didn't Bane have guards at the top of the pit (you don't understand the point of the pit)
- How did Bruce get back to Gotham? (just watch the first movie)
- Why would Talia sleep with Bruce?
- Why didn't Talia hit the trigger once she knew Bruce was back?
- There aren't enough Batsuit scenes
- This isn't a Batman movie, it is a John Blake movie (Bale has 3 times the amount of screen time that J.G.L. does)
- Why didn't anyone recognize Bruce in Florence (he disappeared from the public eye for 4 years and it's not uncommon to know someone's name but not know their face. The majority of America doesn't even know who Mike Pence/Joe Biden are)
- Bruce would never quit being Batman (so basically you wanted an ending where he realizes that Batman is who he is and that he can be both Bruce Wayne and Batman because now he chooses to be instead of needing to be, I feel like I've seen that before).


"It was filmed!" - the most obtuse and smug non-answer for describing how supposedly bad a film I ever heard. The guy in question came across as a very frustrated creative type.

I had the misfortune to listen to neckbeard (with poor grooming and awkward behaviour, insecure arrogance and all) say how "shit" the film was (vaguely parroting the supposed plotholes you listed) and I shut him down quite easily.


Those are all terrible complaints, agreed. Why even bother with those when there are so many truly solid flaws?


Because there aren't any truly solid flaws, the film is as close to perfect as it can be and I have never in the past 5 years ever heard a legitimate complaint. As a fan of that piece of sh!t TFA I would think you'd be a little more open minded.


It is a cliché ridden piece of B movie. Let me just list up the things off the top of my head (haven't seen this movie in years):

- The nonsensical cave/pit sideplot (complete with cliché old man who chants in a mysterious language and gives the secret of the world: no rope!)
- Catwoman
- Batman being a mopey little bitch
- *Every single* policeman goes to the same exercise
- Whilst on the police; they decide to run against tanks with handguns, nice tactic there
- Terrorist threatens to blow up a stadium or something, soldier goes wild-eyed, like "OH MY GOD I never anticipated that!"
- The "twist" - I've seen Batman Begins, so who the real villain was, was hardly the surprise it was laid out to be
- The Italy ending. "Oh hey, I've listened to Alfred's story about him hoping to see me in Italy, so I best go to that exact restaurant and not talk to him, just kinda sit there and chill." The way it was played out was so stupid.

Yeah, this movie is a piece of work. And I don't even strongly dislike it, it's just miles behind what the other two films were.


People not recognizing Bruce in Florence is definitely the dumbest one. Does everyone who says that know what every single billionaire in the world looks like? Would Americans recognize every Italian billionaire sitting in a cafe? Or French billionaire? Hell, would everyone even recognize Bill Gates? It really is a stupid complaint. Bruce was clearly only famous in and around Gotham, not in Europe. He wasn't recognized during the 7 years he was abroad either.


I got two more:

- The bomb would have caused a tsunami (anyone with a basic understanding of Plate Tectonics knows that isn't true)
- The bomb would have caused radiation fallout (anyone who understands neutron bombs knows that isn't true_)


I seem to recall that it was explicitly stated to be an atomic bomb. In that case, it would have indeed caused some fallout, though we don't necessarily have to see that overtly portrayed or referenced. I thought of it as Talia's ultimate victory. Batman may have saved Gotham from the initial blast, but her "slow knife" continues to poison the city for an entire generation.


It's a neutron bomb, while causes severe radiation poisoning they dissipate into the atmosphere very shortly afterwards and make isotopes of oxygen so therefore considering the distance the bomb blew at there is no way the radiation would have reached Gotham.

Having a bomb that would carry radiation great distances would completely contradict Talia's objective, she wanted to punish Gotham, not everyone in a 500 mile radius.


But don't the characters specifically mention it's atomic? Maybe my memory is off. Would you know of the scene where it was stated as a neutron bomb?


No Dr. Pavel says it's a "fully primed neutron bomb with a blast radius of six miles". He built the thing so I am going to believe him.


The football game scene. There we go. Thanks.


Batman and everything that follows thereafter.


I have another: If Miranda Tate was really Talia al Ghul then why did she help Gordon mark the truck (she helped them mark the wrong truck dumbass).


None of that even matters. Bane "hides" a bomb in one of a few trucks driving around the city when there are no vehicles on the street. That's not hiding! That's a Rocky & Bullwinkle cartoon shell game.

The entire movie is back-to-back-to-back ridiculous illogical laughable shit exactly like that. It's so hideously forced and fabricated and ham-fisted.

Unfortunately, this is was the final step for Nolan and his fiction, because Interstellar was the same. At least Interstellar has things going for it, Dark Knight Rises has nothing. It's a truly, deeply awful film, and it's even uncomfortable to watch thanks to the shoddy editing and the CONSTANT MONOTONOUS POUNDING SOUNDTRACK OF BLAND NOISE THAT MAKES YOUR EARS BLEED ALMOST LITERALLY AT EVERY MINUTE OF THE MOVIE'S RUNNING TIME!


Nicely put Spanners!


OMG Froggie you still don't even get the movie. Bane didn't announce that he put the bomb on the truck, Gordon found it out by doing a little detective work and it took him almost 4 months to figure that out. It was not advertised knowledge. TDKR is a very complex film that has deep themes and very well developed characters. It is so much better than these piece of sh!t Star Wars movies we keep getting stuck with.

As for Interstellar, it is on the level of 2001: A Space Odyssey, the new Star Wars films are on the level of Battlefield Earth.

Do yourself a favor, don't watch any of Nolan's films, you aren't smart enough for them, that is why you don't like them.


Interstellar is nowhere near the same level as 2001. It is a visually impressive schmalzfest with clumsy expository dialogue every 5 minutes and a corny happy end that was laughable.


Interstellar was brilliant and it did not have a corny happy ending. A corny happy ending would be cooper reversing time so he could go back to when Murph was just a kid and get back all the time he lost with her. I bet you’re one of those people who thinks the movie states that we didn’t land on the moon.


What? Of course Wr landed in the moon, idiot. Nice straw man.

Interstellar had clumsy expository dialogue. Cooper explaining the Black Hole is even lifted from Event Horizon, talk about quality.

The ending was incredibly cheesy. Love transcends space and time, what? This is supposed to be a Hard Science film?


You are literally talking about 30 seconds of film out of an almost three hour film that is a drop in the bucket. I think you do believe the film says we didn’t land on the moon.

And it was cooper and Murphs relationship that saved the world, love transcending time and space was a major theme but I guess it went straight over your head.

As for the ending cooper and Murph never got their time back, from the time he took off to the time she died they only got to see each other one more time but it was enough for them to make peace with each other right before she died. How is that cheesy? Again a cheesy ending would be cooper going through the worm hole in the reverse direction so that he could turn time back and go back to when murph was a little kid


It's not just 30 seconds it's what the whole movie built up to! You said so yourself in your second paragraph, moron! Also, I brought up other flaws, like the clumsy expository dialogue.

How can the theme of love transcending time and space have went over my head, if I brought up the very thing in my post? Are you a complete imbecile? And what does land on the moon have to do with anything???


No you said that the film had a bad scene where they explain the rules of a wormhole and that is indeed 30 seconds of film give or take, go back and read your post you idiot.

You don't understand the theme of love, because of Murph and Cooper's connection she went back for the watch and therefore he knew to send the data into the watch and that is what saved all of the people on Earth. It's a brilliant ending but obviously it was just too much for you.

You don't really have any legit complaints about Interstellar or TDKR, you are just hating on Nolan because it's the cool thing to do. Like Frogorama maybe you should stick to the Last Jedi, it's a lot closer to your intelligence level.


The worm hole scene was only one example I listed, the movie is full of expository dialogue with people explaining stuff to others who should already know that.

The love transcends everything is a corny trope that is downright embarrassing in a hard Sci Fi flick. There's nothing to "get" there. You making this out to be some kind of genius plot point that is intellectually challenging is laughable. And Last Jedi? WTF? I don't give a crap about Star Wars, nice straw man again.

You're coming across as a pathetic fan boy that just throws accusations and ad hominems at people who have a different opinion and desperately defending his beloved Director. I'm not a Nolan hater at all, I love his earlier work like Memento and the Prestige, found Batman begins enjoyable if somewhat flawed in the second half, TDK impressive, yet bogged down by some logical problems with characters and the plot, Inception fascinating, TDKR massively hampered by poor writing and plot holes and Inception visually impressive but thoroughly underwhelming on a story level. There you have it.


All films have exposition you idiot. Even the Godfather has it and that is considered to be an absolute classic. Face it you just want to hate on Nolan because it's what everyone else is doing on the internet. As for the Last Jedi I was just trying to help, that seems like a movie you would like a lot more.

The Love Transcends time and space theme was very emotional and thought provoking, you didn't like it, fine again I suggested another movie for you that you would probably like better, it doesn't have a whole lot you have to think about.


Oh really, wow thanks man, that's deep? Yes, every film has exposition, but if its well written, it feels natural instead of clumsy like in Interstellar.

Thought provoking? It belonged in a silly RomCom. It had no place in what was to be a hard Sci Fi Film.

And STFU, you smug idiot, yeah, everyone who voices critique on a Nolan movie is a "hater" and can only appreciate stupid Star Wars movies. What are you, 12 years old? No use in talking to you, you're a pathetic fanboy who clearly has no knowledge of cinema.


It is thought provoking it raises several deep questions such as "would you sacrifice yourself and your family for the survival of the human race", and it's all about human nature, survival, etc.

I am basing my conclusions on what I have observed, almost all of the haters who complain about Nolan's films have proven that they don't understand them. Example, half of the posters on the IMDB board were convinced that Bruce quit because of Rachel. So yes you should stick with Disney Star Wars films, they don't require any thought, all you have to do is turn your brain off and have fun. Sounds like the kind of thing you'd enjoy.


Your a moron! So I should "stick" to a franchise Ibdont even like, because I find faults in a movie that you seem
to blindly worship? Oh yes, and I never
said something about Rachel, nice straw
man again.


You can do whatever you want, I thought you would thank me though for suggesting a film that is closer to your intelligence level.


Lol, making a film like TDKR out as something even remotely intellectually challenging only shows both your lack of cinematic knowledge and miniscule mental


Apparently not and I will refer you to my original post.


Nolan has only made two films that weren’t masterpieces and they are insomnia and Dunkirk


Yeah, fine. That is your opinion. You'd be hard pressed to find any person outside of raving fanboys that would call TDKR a masterpiece.


Made over a billion dollars and is currently ranked the 65th greatest film of all time. So there's that.


Really? That is your reasoning? Because it made a lot of money and is ranked high on IMDb which is known for fanboys kiddos upvoting their favourite movies?

And you prentend to be some intellectual film conneceur? Lol


Apparently more people love it than hate it. You are in the minority.


"I think you do believe the film says we didn’t land on the moon."

I bet you think the film has actual logic, even though it betrays its own logic constantly and is horribly inconsistent, as well as tossing even the most basic of common sense out the window in basically every scene.

But you're just another one of those obnoxious Nolan worshipers who don't have the capacity to think on their own, and you prove it every single time you post.


It's a science fiction movie of course they bend the rules of reality a bit. It takes place in the future and its about a group of astronauts who study a black hole for the first time. Coming from the poster who actually likes the Disney Star Wars films you have very little credibility. Since you are all for films following the rules of logic why is there sound in space in Disney Star Wars? How is Leia able to breathe in space? When the door blew open why didn't every one else get sucked out?

But I know what you'll say, I just don't like Disney Star Wars because I have some kind of problem with strong female characters (yet I didn't have a problem with Murph or Amelia Brand, both of which are far better characters than Rey and Vice Admiral Gender Studies). Dumbass.


Do hurt yourself jumping so fast on any kinds of retarded assumptions which all come straight out of YOUR fucked up mind?


I see you are still incapable of producing an intelligent rebuttal tard.


Yeah, like if I actually needed to provide any kind of intelligent arguments to YOU. I'll keep my smart talk for smart people.

Btw, even if someone comes here with a highly strong argument to prove your pathetic ass wrong, you would simply keep on spreading your bullshit. So... What's the purpose anyway?

Oh and finally, I don't even need to justify myself in the first place. I don't like the movie, end of the fucking story. It doesn't matter if the movie is actually a masterpiece or, like in this case, a total waste of more than 2 hours of my life. I can dislike a movie and in no way I would be wrong.

Of course on another hand, some movies are simply timeless masterpieces and objectively they should never be called "garbage" even if someone doesn't like them... But TDKR is pretty fucking far from being in that category.


Okay so anyone who doesn't like this piece of shit is wrong and can't be taken seriously? Okay... Right... Nolan fanboy or simply a retarded troll.


All Hippo does is troll. There's a pretty tight collective of them here.


Yeah well I certainly guessed that. Still, I don't have problems with trolls who are actually funny. In his case, he's just a vile retard.


I agree, funny trolls are enjoyable. Hippo needs to talk to the Joker. WHY SO SERIOUS?


This movie has issues much more than the previous 2 installments. But they don't have Bane so... that's that


How he crapped in his bat suit.
