I'm a chick and I loved this show. Any chick that gets offended by the portrayal of women on BMS doesn't have a sense of humor. The show was hilarious. I watched the first two seasons in their entirety in a few days, and then watched season 3 on spike every week, and was majorly disappointed when it didn't get renewed. I even got my ex boyfriend hooked on the show, and he never even heard of it before I showed it to him. Because I showed him, I ended up watching all the episodes a second time.. Still funny. I know many guys that haven't watched the show actually.. Short story: Last semester I was in my psych class and talking to some (male) classmates about the rioting that happened over the weekend at the annual Cortaca bash in Cortland, NY. One of the kids I was talking to happened to be there. I asked my two male classmates if they'd seen BMS, and they were like "yeah" and so I went on to compare the riot at Cortaca to the riot in the season 2 finale... They looked at me blankly and said they didn't see that episode, and that they've only seen a few here and there.. Funny that I, the chick, had seen every single episode(twice!), and these two dudes had barely seen any. Went off on a tangent, sorry.. But yeah, plenty of women watch/watched this show.