Can’t stop watching this

It’s mesmerizing, intriguing, subtle, nostalgic.


I just watched it again. I had not thought that it managed to tell the story with sufficient completeness when I first saw it. But, perhaps, that is because I had just recently reread the book. Certainly I remembered a number of moments from the film that are priceless; not least the office Christmas party...

Anyway, now I think much more highly of the film. There are numerous moments that are wonderfully disturbing and it raises the hairs on the back of my neck at appropriate points. Overall, it is a stunning success and I love how it manages to get things across that are purely internal and difficult to visualize... I wish this guy had directed Dune. (Or was it primarily the screenplay? I don't watch things over and over and sometimes I have trouble assessing the director's contribution.)


Good description.

It works as a kind of puzzle film, but has a seductively rich texture (the director said he wanted it to have the visual texture of ‘an old man’s foreskin’ 🤣)

It operates similar to a David Lynch film, it haunts your mind and draws you back in, and you find new details every time you rewatch.

The jumbled chronology also means you can never remember what the next scene will be, so it always feels fresh.

It’s a crime that the director’s career never took off.


I just rewatched it on a flight. Thank you Delta! I knew it would be the best choice for eating up those boring hours on a long flight. Such an absorbing film. You’re right the non-linear timeline makes it interesting, and makes you think as you put the pieces of the puzzle together with Smiley.
