MovieChat Forums > The Perfect Host (2011) Discussion > Analysing the film..SPoilers ..

Analysing the film..SPoilers ..

this is my take and my own analysis of this film, obviously it contains heavy spoilers to those who have not seen it, so if you have not seen it, stop reading now ..

A) the first question that comes to mind, is did Warwick imagine these people or were they ghosts or real ? obviously, the answer is easy and that he was imagining them.
but the more important question is, did he imagine them out of his own sick game or was he hallucinating ?
i will list three different explanations :

1) that he is completely crazy, and he is actually seeing and hearing those people, that is he is hallucinating.
and i find this hard to believe, because this means he is completely crazy and lost his touch with reality, but if that is the case, then he would have been noticed by his colleages at work and they would have known that he was crazy and so he would not have continued in his job as a ploiceman.

So, 2) he was imagine playing, just like kids, he was not actually seeing and hearing them, but rather fantasizing that he is surrounded by people, that he has friends and that they talk and interact with him, that is, he fabricated a big fantasy world and actually pretended to believe it. but deep inside he knew it was not real. something that is called Fixed Fantasy.
maybe similar to Factitious disorders, where poeple fake their illness for attention so much that they sort of start to believe it is real.

3) Drugs and intoxication, probably very close to number 2 above, where he fantasize about having friends and people around him and he enhances the experience by using drugs, like hallucinogens which helps him to actually experience, see and hear these people. and unlike in number 1, people who are using drugs don't lose their touch with reality most of the time and know that what they are seeing are not real.

a side not here, the whole thing about Red and White wines, probably he mix the Red wine with sedatives, while he mix the White wines with stimulants and hallucinogens, and so he drinks the White to enhance his fantasy world, and that is why i noticed him starting seeing more and more people in his house as he drank more, maybe stronger effects of the increasing amount of drugs in his system ?

there could have been a 4th explanation, that is he has a multiple personality disorder, but usually, the other personalities take over completely and do not coexist at the same time, so i dismessed that possiblity.

so i guess most likely, it is option number 3 that is closer to what really is happening.

B ) another question, did he actually kill those people, or shall we say, that person in his photo album ?

my take is that Warwick is a psychopath who likes living in a fantasy world, he likes inflicting harm in others, and probably fantasizes about killing others, just like any other psychopath, they usually escelate in their psychopathology, and they shift from fantasizing about killing someone to actually doing it.

1) I really can not tell if he actually killed the guy in the photo album or not, probably not and he was just another victim whom Warwick kidnapped and fantasized about killing him but never did. maybe he was another person wanted by the police or a homeless, we don't know. but at this stage, Warwick still did not escelate into the real killing.
so when John Taylor dropped by, it was Warwick's chance to live another killing fantasy with him, never having the itention of killing him from the start.
that is why, the scene where Warwick was having a fantasy of having sex while John was tied up in the tub, probably, that when Warwick was so close to get to the part where he acts the murder, he started to get sexually aroused, because that fantasy has a sexual arousal effect on him.

2) that Warwick has actually reached the killing stage, and that he actually killed the first guy in the album, and that he was planning to kill John too, but when he knew he was the guy who stole the money, he changed his plan, and decided to play around with him, and enjoy just the fantasy of killing him without really doing it, so he can get a chance to steal the money from him after he lets him go.

C ) is Warwick going to kill the ploiceman at the end ?
probaly yes.
wether it was option 1 or 2 above about the killings, he is most likely has a plan to kill the ploiceman.
if anyone noticed, just before the ploiceman walked into Warwick's office to confront him, Warwick was looking at all the murder and killing photos with joy, because these images arouse him.
so if he was still not at the killing stage of his psychopathology, he is very close to flip and make his fantasies real, and so now that the policeman knows about him, he might have found the motivation to help him excute his fantasies and turn them into realities.

i guess that is about it. any thoughts ? questions ?


OK, no offense but all you really said was it could be this, or this...or even this. when you make an analysis you form a conclusion. your conclusion is you are really not sure, but it could be any one of several explanations, so I can't see how you "nailed" it because you yourself are undecided. You certainly did make some valid points though.

anyway, this is obviously a psychological thriller/black comedy (I call them *beep* films)like something from david lynch. I wonder if even the writer/director is certain of some of these points or was it written with some ambiguity. I confess that I cannot form concrete conclusions about the film because some things just don't add up for me. that is not to say I didn't like, because I did.

I think it was clear that DHP was a schizophrenic. his hallucenations were as real to him as reality is to any normal person. he also took medication and there is medication that can help control Schizophrenia(but they often stop taking it, and that is alluded to in the film as he argues with "himself" about dosage).

it's clear he has a fetish for death/mutilation/control as a fastasy but not clear weather he has ever really commited murder. it is shown that he stages death/mutilation/torture and has the means, know-how and equipment to do it convincingly. it is not entirely clear as to why he is doing it. some have suggested he is trying to "scare straight" criminals but I don't think so. I think he is a police officer to gain access to horrifying crimes/photos and even see crime scenes and corpses because he gets a thrill out it and perhaps even a sexual thrill as suggested by the scene where he is nailing one of his "guests" in the bathroom as john lay "bloodies and tied" in the tub(I hope it was chelsea because she was *beep* hot!). obviously he didn't plan to catch wayward criminals by leaving fake postcars in his mailbox. a true schitzo really believes their false reality so he would have no recollection that he mailed himself a postcard or that julia didn't exist(she did to him). I mean you couldn't tell him that rupert or roman or chelsea didn't exist, he would have thought YOU were crazy since he just spent the whole night partying with them. you can see this is true when john starts to *beep* with him a little implying that no one is really there and this gets DHP quite unnerved. maybe even a schitzo on some minute level knows they are nuts but they will not allow anytihng to disrupt their false reality.

so we have a schitzo who is obsessed with death. I think he allows john in simply because he is an opporunist. he see john as a plaything. people here are saying he knew right away john was not a friend of julias because she didn't exist but that shouldn't have given him away because to DHP she did. DHP just saw an opporunity to "get off" and took it. I think he doesn't have the stomach(or just hasn't gotten up the nerve) to kill yet and the fake wounds have nothing to do with the chess game. technically he did untie him and set him free so he is not a liar(of course he really is) as john stays of his own accord and attacks DHP with the prop knife. I also don't think he allowed john to leave to get the money. again that was just opportunistic. he looks to be pretty well off and like he doens't need the heist money. I think he just took it to *beep* with john some more. show him who was in control.

now the ending has me really baffled. it was pointed out that the postage stamps were used and therefore could not have come by actual mail, in other words planted by DHP(or john, maybe he never left the country). I honestly didn't notice that, I just noticed the stamps had the word mexico on them. I thought the allusion was that john mailed it to get revenge on DHP. but then you have to ask when did he have the oppotunity to grab the photo and then would DHP be so sloppy after all his careful planning to not search him and not realize it was missing. also if it was john, why just the photo, why not something else to corroboate what it implies, like a detail of the account and like he threatened at one point, describing the house in detail. now if we assume it was DHP who sent the photo(some form of self-sabotage), we can assume it was one of his hallucenations who was behind it(maybe they are not all friendly or maybe one wants to stop him for his own good). in fact DHP is probably just as baffled how the photo got there but realizes he has to do something to preserve his reality. so does he kill the detecive or just scare him, supposedly like the others, and perhaps threaten him not to tell. I think even if he has never killed before he has to now, or he will be exposed. that makes sense. how many times has a serial killer fantasized about killing before they actually gradutate to it? or a rapist? it's probably not something that comes quickly but takes time, maybe years, to work up to. it makes no sense to me if the stamps were cancelled. obviously DHP had the ability to have things mailed and postmarked from wherever he wanted, as the postcard from austrailia proved, so he could have done the same thing with the photo. if it was john then it means he couldn't have actually mailed it and would have had to risk dopping it off in person and then why put cancelled stamps on it. I can't figure this out. another thing is dumping johns drugged body by his house. why? why not dump him somewhere else? too close to the crime scene and is this what he did with other victims?

If nothing else, this film is definitely provocative. I like a movie that has an after-taste. something that has you thinking about it long after the credits roll. I still talk about and think about "mulholland drive" ten years after I first saw it and it's still one of my favorite films. to this day I don't think I have figured out everything...and maybe that's why I like it so much.

"everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die"

