The way I see it:
1.Polaroid camera
Guarantees a 'one time' shot. no digital trace, no film developed.
2.Super 8 projector/film
That may just be nostalgia, beats me.
3.Roladex/contacts book (w/ Juila's #)
I've seen Rolodex's still being used, but yeah, rather outdated. It may just be a plot device, something to use in the movie, vs. watching him scroll through his address book on a Mac/PC.
4.The mask used on John from the Black Lagoon (which was made in the '50s)
That is a timeless icon. could be 1950s or 2050s -- easily identifiable
5.No visible TVs/computers in his house
Wasn't there a flatscreen TV above the mantle?
6.Postcards? Everything is done thru email, who sends postcards anymore? (Although I do see how this one fits into the plot).
I send postcards when I travel. It's actually more fun to get a post card in the mail with handwritten words vs. an email. It is something tangible and substantive. Plus it was something he was sending to himself, so it may just be a manifestation of his own neuroses.
Then he complains about technology "getting out of control" (in reference to the Polaroid photo) towards the end
this refers to the assailant photoshopping things, which is rather modern. but at the same time, if he is complaining about technology, then that would explain the lack of it in his house. So, overall it's a sound statement.
my $0.02