Notice that all the films you mentioned are at least 30 years old and they are exceptions to the rule. For every successful horror movie you name that has a big-name star in it, I can give you 20 that don't have those type of actors in them - Friday the 13th, Halloween, Nightmare On Elm Street, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Last House On The Left, Night Of The Living Dead, The Evil Dead, The Blair Witch Project, Paranormal Activity, Psycho, The Exorcist - etc... etc... are all considered the cream of the crop, created sub-genres in the genre and inspired a million copycats including most of the examples you mentioned which were Hollywoods' safe answer to the success of a scary movie. While some of these films' stars went on to become upper-tier actors, they certainly weren't household names at the time of their release. Unfortunately, I can't think of an actress in this day and age as excellent and versatile as Bette Davis - but her work with Hammer as you said was more in the vein of psychological thriller/black comedy, not Horror. This movie, The Resident, sucked and was the same as a thousand other made-for-TV movies shown on Lifetime on a daily basis. I didn't realize that's what they were going for. It sucked and that's one of the reasons they couldn't even find a distributor for it and it went quietly right to home video.