Why Hulk?

We know that pretty much no one can beat Hulk, yet they send in Wolverine? Wolverine might have stood a chance if Hulk didn't also have a healing factor. That is what it boils down to.

How can you beat something so much stronger than or as strong as you, but continues to get stronger and continues to heal from your attacks? You can't. So why are they making these one sided fist fights?

Hulk is cool in small doses but after a while he gets very repetitive. Instead of Hulk vs, why not Xmen vs? You've got a lot of characters to work with and can make many versatile battles.

Sure beats watching Wolverine or Thor getting KO'd against something they never stood a chance against in the first place.


Its a nod to Wolverine's 1st appearance (where he went against - yep you guessed it - the hulk).


Well my understanding is that at that point of time Canadian Government dont know a whole lot about the hulk, they probably have no idea of his true strength potential or the healing factor and Wolverine is the best at what he does lol.

My favorite issue of any commics I've ever read is The Incredible Hulk 340..Grey Hulk vs Wolvern came out in the late 80's..great stuff if you get a chance chec it out.

Also the Hulk himself is a very diverse character..esp if you read Peter Davids run in the 80's. I heard some other stuff was good after that too but I had stop reading by then.

It's that some of the cartoons and movies dont really display any of his depth.



For those of you who says that the Hulk can get physically stronger than anybody (including those with strength powered by artifacts) with enough anger, then do you think that Hulk can get stronger than these guys?

Anyone with the Power Gem

Anyone with the Infinity Gauntlet (especially Thanos)

The Living Tribunal

The One-Above-All

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


Thor would be able to beat the Hulk, but in the film Thor's abilities were downplayed.


Hulk was the first guy Wolverine ever fought in the comics. It is his introduction to the comic book world that is why.


Wolverine's first appearance in the comics was a fight against the Hulk


You miss the comic book importance. Hulk vs Wolverine was Wolverine's first appearance in the comics. He first appeared in a Hulk comic fighting the Green beast and the Wendigo.
